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hunting updates

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hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 08 29, 2017 •  [Post 1]

share them here!

I like reading anything elk hunting, win, lose or draw...close calls, or just details of your hunt, we want to hear it.

I will give a quick update of my season so far.

this weekend was hot weather and tough hunting, lows at night in the 60's and highs in the 80's, very strange weather for here. I hiked all over all weekend, I had a good plan opening morning, but the elk did not follow script at all. they were in an area I know well, then like they knew the season started, they hung down on private. I hunted 4 spots on Saturday, and another 4 sunday.

sunday I found some promising sign, but couldn't figure out exactly what they were up to, yesterday I beat brush in the heat of the morning, and it took me almost 2 hours to make it a little over a mile, in some of the finest canyons the coast has to offer. my plan was to sit in this bottom and listen for a bit, it's been so dry an elk cannot move without making lots of noise.

an hour and a half of silence was broken by a small snap, I perk up and nock an arrow, then a closer and louder snap, just in time to see a fellow hunter. I got his attention and walked over to him, nice guy, I told him where I had been and gave him the option to keep going down this bottom, but he didn't want to, he was done.

I planned to walk out, but not learning anything about where the elk were, I decided to walk that bottom out and try to learn where they went. about a mile down I heard something feeding in the bottom, it was obviously a big animal, I figured a bear or bull, as it sounded alone. I put the sneak on it and found myself 25 yds from a lone cow...weird.

I hung out a bit to make sure, but finally decided that is what is there, and the sign she left backed that up, only one fresh track around. another 3/4 mile I start seeing fresh sign, by now it's noon and hot, but I keep going so I can try to figure this out, after sneaking a little further along this salmon berry choked bottom, I hear that sound again, a big animal rustling brush, then I start hearing others...cool!

same deal, I have good wind, and start closing distance, then i'm close....too close, I see brush moving, and see legs and patches of bodies through the solid wall of salmon berry, I tuck in behind a bush and wait, they are feeding out into the open. I am going to have a point blank shot at any minute, I smell there's a bull in the group....then the unthinkable happens...the wind switched 180 :x

it didn't take long, and the gig was up as the salmon berries exploded...ugh

this morning I decided to check a different spot first thing, it's a quick place to check, and close to where I got on the elk yesterday. I sneak in at daylight and find myself very close to a herd of elk, again, too close for comfort, but the wind is good. i'm seeing bodies, but it's still too dark, legal shooting light, but too dark in the brush. I had cows talking all around me, and a bull bugled 3 times very close, he was barely bugling, I wouldn't have heard it at 100 yds I don't think. long story short, I got too close, too early and got busted, had I waited 5 minutes, I think I would have killed that bull. they never busted off, but they knew something was amiss. they headed towards private with no way to intercept them without busting them, so I will likely try there again in the morning and see if I can be a little smarter.

off to my plan b, I got down there, and saw where the elk came back up, like I thought they would, they went to the next drainage and went back down, I followed them until about .2 miles from private, I hung out and listened for about an hour to silence....so far, that's all I got. have a good plan for tonight, perfect conditions for a spot I like, and have to wait for these perfect conditions.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby ElkNut1 » 08 29, 2017 •  [Post 2]

Roosie, good stuff, look forward to hearing about your evening hunt!

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Re: hunting updates

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 08 29, 2017 •  [Post 3]

Nice recap of your day in the elkwoods mister! I needed that ;).
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Re: hunting updates

Postby saddlesore » 08 29, 2017 •  [Post 4]

Good recap.Mine is still waiting to start. I'm leaving a week from tomorrow
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Charina » 08 29, 2017 •  [Post 5]

An email I wrote today. I'm home for four days to restock, tend to some matters at work, then back out Thursday evening for the final 15 days of the season (archery opened the 19th and closes Sep 15 here in UT).
. . .
Wow, Sat started off well with me. Bumped a 6 pt from about 20 yards right as I was sneaking into a thicket of aspens he was on the other side of (unknown to me). He went downwind then doubled back where I came from and I got a glimpse of him. Not huge, but I wouldn't have hesitated to take him. I put up a trail cam close to where I busted him, and he came back in the afternoon. I'll send a photo from my phone later. But, he didn't show back up on the cam the next three days, and I didn't find him when I revisited the area after giving it a three day break. Then about noon a spike came in to my raking a tree that I could have shot, and right at dusk, another unidentified elk came in close to my raking, but I didn't see him until he busted out of there as I started to move on after a 30 min wait. I was so pumped about bringing in two bulls to raking, I was super confident I could use that the following days and find success.

Saw a few other bulls the next couple days, but nothing to get excited about. Monday I was able to observe three bulls up behind the west-most portion of y, pretty close to that saddle East of Mt x. I rubbed lightly. Very little interest. Ramped it up to more aggressive raking. Raking with bull whines (same ones I heard one of them making just minutes earlier rubbing a tree). Chuckles? Bugle? All the same response - lift their heads and stare for a few moments, but no interest in covering the 200 yards to check out the "bull" back in the trees (I was sure to not be visible). None of the three were really shooters, but I wanted to gauge interest while I could observe (and the rock slide above, and open meadow in between wouldn't allow me to get closer). Played that game for about 2 hours. Zero interest in any bull vocalizations. First time I've been able to play with them like that that early in the season. But it told me a bit about how far those three were from 'rutting'.

In fact, after Saturday, I wasn't aware of one animal other than cattle or a doe that came in to check out my rubbing or raking. It worked well Sat, but not a single other set produced.

After Wed, I headed to town to pick up a package I had forwarded there, and grabbed a quick shower for $5. I moved camp over to the West side of the ridge to the west of [lockness lake] so I could climb up to the top of that ridge. Saw one 6pt right after he busted me and was sneaking off, and that was it for two days there. The area is pretty heavily overgrazed. I left my tent up in that location (no one came up there all weekend that I was aware of, or could see tire tracks of), so will give it a couple more days try when I get back, but I really think I need to move again. Perhaps somewhere down in/near [area51]? I see there are a lot more cattle in there now than I recall seeing back in July.

I just might end back up on the South end of the unit before its over, even though there are a lot more people there (esp deer hunters running the roads). Honestly, not really sure where to go at this point. My primary spot on Mt. Z seemed to go flat after Sat (perhaps I disturbed it too much? - but I didn't find the bulls/sign I was actually expecting as much ground as I covered), the cattle were moved into a new pasture in the area I was planning on, and bulls I was seeing there in late July and planned hunting are not where I expected them. And the spot on the north end that I was seeing bulls in July is so overgrazed it seems they moved out of there as well.

It ended up being a pretty tough latter half of the first week for me. It was so dry and crunchy that morning I got the text about sneaking into 35 yards of 4 bulls I was surprised you got that close undetected. Seems where I was didn't get any showers the previous days. I was definitely doing more bumping of elk than sneaking in on them.

As I mentioned in text, there are a few guys noting that in northern UT units they have seen some of the big bulls coming down and acting "rutty" around the cows. Even breaking off harems and leading them off. I know it's a good bit warmer here, but perhaps that is a little bit of why I wasn't finding the bulls up high like expected, and like I encountered the first three days? But you were finding them up high still late in the week, weren't you?

Very much looking forward to the bulls giving me a helping hand by becoming a little more vocal. Encouraging to learn you heard a good bugle. Hope they get fired up soon!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Charina » 08 29, 2017 •  [Post 6]

Bull that came back to investigate the scene of the disturbance. Same rack I saw running off just after sunrise.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 08 30, 2017 •  [Post 7]

Thanks for the good read charina! Good luck on the second leg of your hunt! That is a very good looking bull too!

Not much to report from last night, it's 1.4 miles down a modest canyon, relatively easy walking (didn't have to take a single break walking out)

I got half way down, sign picked up as expected, then shortly after it was the most tore up I have seen it! They have been residents in there.

I don't know how to explain it, but when I'm 2/3 Of the way in, I get that feeling nothing is in there, despite all of the sign, I almost turned back for plan b, but decided to make sure.

I sat down in the heart of that swamp until 7, when they are there, they always come out by 6, and I start hearing them earlier, sometimes they are out by 4.

I finally bailed, wanted some light to see if I could tell where they went. Once on top I walked out the rest of the ridge, and did find where they left, and it looks like they are heading to another spot I know well.

After that I went and glassed a couple other chunks of private, and found 2 bulls I didn't expect to. There is a rag 3x4 and a very odd 3x1 with his spike growing forward, they came from over the next ridge, and they looked alone.

I think a bigger bull may have moved into that herd which Is cool.

Things are slowly changing, bulls are starting to get with cows and smell like bulls.

I am starting to figure out the habitat they are using. Another day ahead of me, I'm excited, it has been drizzling all night, everything is wet and we need it...update later
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 08 30, 2017 •  [Post 8]

started my morning same place as yesterday, the group of elk were not there....off to plab B, I walked out a whole other area, zero fresh sign. it was still early and I had another plan, started driving to plan C, on the way I noticed a little closed off spur, pulled over got my gps out and saw there was a pretty nice drainage there..what the heck...

I made it in there not far and saw a very fresh lion track, so there was at least something to shoot in there ;) I went a ways further and found some very fresh elk tracks, I followed them up the ridge, then down the other side, so many fresh tracks and wet pee I could believe I had not run into them, they had been all over there this morning. lots of deep tracks, and skidding tracks, a bull was obviously running cows around or chasing other bulls, but surely some activity.

after a bit, there were tracks going every direction, and I really wanted to know where they were so I could make a good plan for this afternoon. I decide to try a locate bugle, I sit there and listen, then hear a snap directly up wind, then a single elk trot off, followed by a bunch more running off in the distance....crap!

I decided not to push them any worse, the gig was up, they were in a perfect spot to hunt them this evening...oh well, I got impatient and that's hunting.

good news is, they are heading into an area that I do know pretty well, so they will have forgot about me by this afternoon, and i'm going to go find them hopefully. hope the wind is a little more steady tonight.

starting to build some intel, so that is good, the wind is killing me this year so far!

sure is nice to be hunting elk again! hope I can start being a little more low impact on spots, I hate bumping them.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 08 30, 2017 •  [Post 9]

Digging the updates! I'm heading on the 9th for three weeks (unfortunately I have zero cell service where I hunt), but, will try to do a couple of brief updates when I/we deliver dead elk to the local wild game processor in town. Keep em coming! RJ
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 08 30, 2017 •  [Post 10]

look forward to them Mr Wapiti :D

this afternoon on my drive, I was thinking "i wonder what kind of bad luck i'm in store for tonight?" :lol: ....well...

I park my pickup by this very overgrown forest service road, I start down the road that is far from a road, solid salmon berry and elder berry, and i'm having to hands and knees it half of the time, it's even worse than last year.

I don't get very far at all when I hear a pop to my right....then another...this isn't cool! I have several hundred yards of this brush to go still with no visibility, I keep shadowing them, but i'm being really loud, and the wind direction is iffy at best. I get up a ways more and hear them still just cruising and feeding, but getting further away. I look down at my gps and realize i'm not on the stinkin' road!! the elk are though. I fight my way back, then hit the road...it's amazing how much time plays into hunting success...hours, minutes, seconds, they can all make or break the hunt.

so I get on the road and pick up the tracks, I don't want to follow them, but I do want to see where they leave the trail...now the wind is really bad, steady on my neck no matter what way I turn...I swear the wind is following me this season.

I follow them about a mile, still on the trail. I know my odds are pretty low to make this work. I finally make it to the end of the ridge, and see the elk went left, back in the direction they were this morning. with the circumstance, I know what i'm doing is futile...so I jog out of there and drive about 5 miles to get on the other side, I need to beat them to one choke point if I want to have a chance. I walk over the first tank trap and see lion track from this morning in my boot track, but it was leaving the area.

I make it to the spot I want to be and wait. about 7 pm, I hear cows mewing...I have a good setup and I was right on where they were headed. after a short bit I hear snapping and popping, then here come 3 cows exactly where I wanted them too.

they were the first 3, my wind wasn't perfect, but good enough blowing lightly on my side. long story short, the first cow came straight up the hill right at me...crud! she gets about 10 yds from me, and I know i'm screwed, sure enough, she charged strait into my scent...boom, crash, snap! after a minute I hear the rest of them busting...dang! almost worked.

on my way home, I dropped into the spot I started at this morning, I saw lots of bear sign in there and wanted to see if I could find that bear....no bear, make it to the end of the area, go around a big blackberry patch and spot an elk....cool! again, of course my wind sucks. I was trying to figure a way to make it to them to see if there is a bull...cannot tell with the brush...a few minutes later and losing light fast I am now stuck with a cow in front of me, a couple actually. I know this isn't gonna work out, a few seconds later the wind switched, the close cow rips her head up and looks right at me....sheesh! off they go.

I have been using my gps a bunch in a different way. I have about a 70% chance I can figure it out where they are headed if I bump them, knowing their needs and tendencies, a topo layout can really help to figure out where they are will end up.

time for a little nap, then back on it in the morning!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Cbb » 08 31, 2017 •  [Post 11]

Thanks for the reading! It gets the blood running! I leave in 2 weeks for MY. No cell service where I will be.

My uncle in MY is heading to camp this weekend. He has been on good sign while scouting and has some great starting points for me. Sure wish they would get some rain to help with the fires.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Elkhunttoo » 08 31, 2017 •  [Post 12]

I went out yesterday for opening afternoon in Idaho... I went to an area I've never been before. It was a special day, didn't see any elk, saw a couple of deer, but I was able to take my 11 & 9 year old daughters with my wife and I....it was well worth it to have them along, I wish we could of got some elk action for them but hat will come
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 08 31, 2017 •  [Post 13]

Elkhunttoo wrote:I went out yesterday for opening afternoon in Idaho... I went to an area I've never been before. It was a special day, didn't see any elk, saw a couple of deer, but I was able to take my 11 & 9 year old daughters with my wife and I....it was well worth it to have them along, I wish we could of got some elk action for them but hat will come

very cool!!! will they be able to make it out with you more this season? I know the feeling very well, posted about it recently in the fishing section. getting family involved really adds to the experience, and it is so cool to show them what you love, and they can get insight on why...keep up the good work!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Elkhunttoo » 08 31, 2017 •  [Post 14]

They want to go a few more times but were to tired today and my wife is just getting done with being sick so she didn't want to push it. So I went a lone this afternoon. I decided to go to a place that had elk all over at the beginning of October last year and I haven't hunted it for years in September. It is a really hard hike so being a lone, I went for it. Bad move!!! It is such steep country and after hiking for 5 straight hours without crossing an elk track I decided it was time for plan B ... the steep hike that took 5 hours to get in took me just over an hour to get back to the truck (ran almost the whole way down)... I drove to a place about 30 minutes away that used to be my main area but I didn't even hunt it last year (maybe I should of).... I had about an 1 1/2 hours of daylight left when I got to where I wanted to go and bingo, on elk tracks almost instantly. I found where they had came down and watered and I was not far behind them. I gave a small little bugle and two bulls instantly answered me. This area can be a good spot but the terrain is so hard to work with. I ended up getting busted by the bigger bull, with two people we would of been in good shape but this area is really hard to move in after you call by your self and I got a little impatient too :roll: ... I worked a small 5 point rag horn after that for about 20-25 minutes. As soon as I got a good look at him I backed out(not what I'm after)... shooting light was getting short and there was no need to bump them...I just got home and have to go to work in 6 hours... then it will be the discussion with my wife if she really wants to take the kids swimming tomorrow like she planned or go chase elk :D
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 01, 2017 •  [Post 15]

I like it! I think yesterday was a culmination of the rest of my bad luck, today should be a good day.

I will not bore anyone with all of yesterday's events, was around elk in the morning, they took me on a wild goose chase through some nasty country, by the time I got them figured out, the wind started, and going further I would bump them at best.

My afternoon, the wind was still bad for the morning spot, so I went to check a spot I have not been, and was actually run out of the woods for my first time ever. I had made it about 2 miles down an overgrown spur road heading towards a nice big drainage when I get startled by a loud, popping guttural growl...that I recognized very well from 2 years ago when I was standing point blank from a lion on a kill.

Yesterday must have been a similar scenario for it to hold it's ground, but it was a solid wall of brush between me and the cat, and the cat was very close.

I started walking backwards and knocked an arrow, and the cat continued it's warning until I was far enough the sound faded. A cat in the open is an opportunity, a cat in the brush is a bit unnerving.

My night ended after 3 more spots, I was doing a little blind calling at last light, very moderate calling, when I hear someone answer me with a terminator bugle. My walk out was directly towards them, and brushy. If they are smart enough to call off of the road by my rig, they may be smart enough to shoot me, so I called my wife and told her she had to stay on the phone with me until I got to the road. He was standing 50 yds from my pickup when I got back...weird

I have today and tomorrow morning, then back to work a few days....unless I get one killed and have to process it...

Today has good potential;)
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 01, 2017 •  [Post 16]

I was right about today being a good day....and my bad luck seems to be behind me

.....today I just had to deal with my own mishaps, the things that humble the hunter.

I got into where I wanted to, it was getting light, and things were seeming perfect, my wind was good, everything was good. I thought I heard a distant branch break, and I did have something milling around in the salmonberry behind me, either a bear or solo elk.

I keep inching my way down, quietly, and really paying attention when I hear brush rustling and sticks breaking. it's really thick in here, so I have to get set up in a spot the elk will walk by me, but also where I have a shooting lane. I am trying to guess where they will come through, and settle on a spot where I have a 30yd shooting lane, good as it gets here.

a cow comes into the opening first, i'm ready with my range finder, 26 yds...I wait for her and a couple more to pass and come to full draw knowing there is a bull on it's way. a few more elk pass, they are slowly moving, stopping and walking...

a raghorn comes into the clearing, my mind is racing, I almost shoot him but he was moving by the time I made up my mind, a few more cows come by, then a spike, then...OH MY!

the bull running these cows is BIG, black horned and heavy, very solid 6x6, I stop him with a "mew" and he gets a little startled and freezes, really steep quartering away angle, and I am not calm enough to take that shot at that angle.....one more step! come on.....they bust, his next step is in stride....gone! after they bust, they slow down, they were no that spooked, I haul butt around to try to cut them off.

I make it to the stand of trees I had in mind, it was pretty open for that area, in the right spot you could shoot 30 yds, I no sooner get there and hear snapping and brush...here they come!

10 minutes has passed and they have calmed down, taking their time, milling around, I just need them to come into this stand of trees, it's solid salmon and elderberry all around, if they stay in that, I will not get a chance. a few more minutes pass and here comes a cow, no need to range, it's top pin stuff. she looks right at me, stretches her neck....then after about 30 seconds decides i'm nothing to worry about (smart cow :D ) I hear more elk staying in the brush going around me, then the 3rd elk is mr raghorn. I decide I am going to shoot him if I can get my bow drawn without getting busted, the 2 cows get behind brush, the little bull has his head behind brush, I slowly come to full draw...

the 2 cows walk a little further, and the small bull comes into the opening, I settle my 20yd pin in the pocket and shoot...I hear tick...shshshsh...crack! WTH??!!!! the elk go crashing off...what just happened?! I did not hear the arrow hit him, didn't see it hit him, and heard the distinct sound of arrow vs tree....

in my gut I knew I didn't hit him, but I treated the situation like I did, I sat there and was going to wait 30 minutes. I never hear any sign of him going down. about 20 minutes into my wait, I hear elk on my left, and see them slowly filtering through the trees, the big guy is 40 yds away from me, and I have to just sit here and watch.

a couple minutes go by, and there is an elk that comes to the edge of the stand of trees, I see antlers, but not clearly, but know it's the elk I shot at.

after they move through, my time is up, and I go to where the bull was when I shot, I follow his track about 50 yds, no sign of a hit, instead of wasting any more time I decide to go find my arrow, I should be able to, I heard it hit a tree...doesn't take long and I find it, clean as a whistle.

I went back to find out what happened, I got back in the position I was when I shot, look where the bull was through my binos and find the answer to my mystery, 2 limbs hanging right between me and the elk, I walk over and find one cleanly broken, that was the sound I heard.

luckily I missed clean and my arrow went high, rather than low and making a poor shot on him. I should have seen those limbs, I could have easily waited for him to go a little further, there was no rush.

I went and walked out a different area after that, got into some fresh sign, but it looked like they were heading to private....back to the drawing board....tonight and tomorrow morning to kill a bull to get me out of work ;)

my rookie year continues...
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Fridaythe13th » 09 03, 2017 •  [Post 17]

Great posts. Your are definitely getting my blood pumping. I leave on Wednesday
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Rock Stick or Fish » 09 03, 2017 •  [Post 18]

So Lisa and I headed out to a spot that we spooked some blacktails opening weekend. We checked the wind and headed in a slightly different direction that should have put us in them really nicely. We didn't see any deer, but we got to a 5-6 year old clear cut and there was a buncha elk in it about 300 yards away.

Lisa in the right spot so she starts making her cow calls, and it is working. 4 cows and the biggest bull I've seen in person, at least a 5x5, and they're coming towards her. She works them right to about 80-100 yards when some guy opens up in the quarry about half a mile away. Those elk were outta there.

But I know where elk are!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 03, 2017 •  [Post 19]

Rock Stick or Fish wrote:So Lisa and I headed out to a spot that we spooked some blacktails opening weekend. We checked the wind and headed in a slightly different direction that should have put us in them really nicely. We didn't see any deer, but we got to a 5-6 year old clear cut and there was a buncha elk in it about 300 yards away.

Lisa in the right spot so she starts making her cow calls, and it is working. 4 cows and the biggest bull I've seen in person, at least a 5x5, and they're coming towards her. She works them right to about 80-100 yards when some guy opens up in the quarry about half a mile away. Those elk were outta there.

But I know where elk are!

bummer! sounds exciting though :D

last night was very eventful, and i'm surprised an arrow didn't leave the bow. I went with a buddy, and his girlfriend was tagging along too. after a few miles of walking looking for something in the form of sign or elk, we cut a fresh trail...we kept going to see if they cut back left, then we get into really heavy sign from that morning. we get on top and I spot an elk in the bottom about 300 yds right as he disappears into the timber.

we decided to see if we could get his interest by calling, we were in a bad spot, but if we got him interested, we will improvise something. we cow called a little, snapped some branches, cow call, etc. I then bugle....we worked down the ridge (not towards the bull) and call some more and I get answered, but not from the elk we saw, this was more distant. I got him to respond a few more times, but we didn't have time to make a move on him, then we hear snapping and popping in the bottom where I saw the elk earlier.

set up again, had my buddy in position, and I went back a ways and ramped up the calling, and before long a nice 5x5 walked out...this went on for a bit, but I realized it was too open to call this bull, I recommend we leave these elk alone, because I thought we had a big group between us, and where we needed to go, and we should go check that scene out.

we started leaving, and I was cow calling a little still and the bull started following us....hmmm. I told my buddy to race around the ridge, and get down on the same level as the bull, I would go to the end of the ridge and see if I could steer that bull to him.

when I got to the other side, I started calling and got answered really quick..uh oh, that bull is close. I should have waited, but I kept calling, and my buddy didn't make it down there all the way and got busted by this new bull. I kept calling with the same plan, to call that 5 point to him. meanwhile, I get answered from behind me, and ramp up the scene even more, start raking, breaking big branches and calling. the original bull that answered me, that's still far away starts getting more worked up, and the one behind me is getiing close quick. I don't know what the best plan is, the wind is bad for the bull behind me, but I keep going trying to call the 5 point to my buddy. now the bull behind me is in the open, and he's a stud, black horn 6x6, 275ish, and he starts chuckling a bunch and getting more intense.

now I see my buddy walking up to us, and we have bulls all around us. I spot a little rag bull from the group behind me, but he is up top on our level coming in. when my buddy makes it to me, I tell him about the little bull, and tell him to keep calling, i'm going to try to shoot him, he is the only one that looks realistic to me, with our position, wind, and fading day (and them little bulls eat darn good :D )

I work around and set up, range my shooting lanes, but he doesn't show, I sneak up further and hear him right below me, off of the side of the ridge, he is coming right into a 30 yd shooting lane, then stops, and my buddy stops calling.....this pause goes on for awhile, i'm getting irritated my buddy went silent, I need this guy to come another 10-15 yds, nothing happens...

light is fading, I walk back and ask why he quit calling, he said that 5 point was coming up, it came right past where he was...ugh. we had 5 bulls interested, one really close one, that was young and dumb...still no shots taken. I guess my buddy wanted me to come back over and call for him some more :?

we planned on getting on those bulls again this morning, I got over to his place early, and couldn't get them woke up, so I bailed and hunted somewhere else..... a good reminder of why I hunt alone, oh well, it was a fun night anyways.

I found one single elk this morning, never got it in the open to see it, assume it was a bull, but I don't know. I wish the weather would cool off a little. this is the hottest, driest season I recall. I think the bulls are starting to get active, and a little better weather would really help.

BTW, i'm loving my new elknut chuckler XTR bugle, by far the best bugle I have owned, if reeds gag you, I highly recommend it, reed quality sound, not flutey at all, and it's really loud, sound reaches a LONG way, which is very important here in the dense habitat. it is easy to control the sound too, and you can get very good quality sound with much less volume if you need to...really great product.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Rock Stick or Fish » 09 04, 2017 •  [Post 20]

So I made a total rookie mistake and missed a great chance to fill the freezer this morning.

I did a bunch of stuff right. I got there before light, I glassed the western hills and found a herd, I found my way to the herd without spooking anything.

I settled into some trees and did some calling. I got a lot of replies and checked out at 91 yards by a big bull. They didn't come in and the chatter stopped so I figured I had blown my chance. So I headed over to the overgrown has been of a timber road and started walking towards them when it happens. I see an elk torso at 35 yards. I was moving too fast and so I get the entire torso broadside RIGHT THERE, no legs, and head down munching. So rather than just get to full draw and wait to see if it's legal I start just putzing around with my rangefinder and trying to see horns and stuff.

Well that spike brings his head right up and just looks at me like "What the heck are you?" and I freeze in this stupid half crouch with a rangefinder in one hand and bow in the other, trying to look down and think happy non-predator thoughts. After a couple of minutes he starts to relax but the older cows were like "Dude, I think we should go now." and I see about 80 elk make an organized deliberate scamper off that always seems to be 60 yards from my best stalk.

Getting to full draw when I can was a lesson I thought I learned last year during late blacktail season. I'm really disappointed in myself right now.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 04, 2017 •  [Post 21]

great story! everything is a learning experience. like you said, you did a lot of things right, that was a close one!

good luck out there, look forward to more stories!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby TennMatt » 09 04, 2017 •  [Post 22]


I'm digging this thread and your stories. I scouted a few weekends ago and won't go into the woods again until late October here in Colorado. I wish all you archery and ML folks the best in these hot, smokey conditions.

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Re: hunting updates

Postby Lefty » 09 04, 2017 •  [Post 23]

Great stuff, keep it coming!!
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The Good, The Bad, The ROOKIE (Part 1)

Postby Losefreeze » 09 05, 2017 •  [Post 24]

Now a full week removed from my opening weekend hunt in the CO high country, I can sit down after reflection and recap the weekend. I decided that even though my hunting buddies wouldn't be able to make it up to our spot for the first opening day that wasn't going to stop me from being up there and give it a go fully solo for the opening day. This year decided the $30 investment in OnxMaps was worth it for not only hunting for piece of mind that I could purposfully go in much deeper than usual knowing I would have a marker to get back easily. Arrived on Friday late afternoon, got my meek "camp", air mattress inside the SUV with travel shell on top, all set up and ready to go for the next day. Without any one to converse with and the early setting sun was able to get to bed really early to be ready for the next day.

Woke up extra early the next morning, 3:30am, to make sure I wasn't rushing and gave myself ample time to pack the extra gear into my bag I normally would leave at camp if I were hunting with others. Got out of camp about 4:50am and started humping to my intended spot to look over the large meadow in-between the two mountain peaks that, if there are animals in that location, will be traveling between in the early dawn hours to get into the dark timber. Well, as I have read multiple times and glad I have been preparing, the wind was in a complete different direction than I have ever seen and blew my plan A out of the water as the wind would be blowing my scent completely accross the entire meadow if I got to the far (Northern) side of the area. So on to Plan B. Stayed on the lower southern side and sat in the dark, much longer than expected because I just cut 30mins of hiking in due to the wind, and waited for first light to hopefully give me some hope. Unfortunately because I had drastically reduced my view/hunting location because of wind all I got a glimps of was a small Doe about 45mins before shooting light and that was it. Discouraging but I had mentally prepared that with having to use Plan B this open meadow may not deliver its usual excitement. Below is a pic of one of the open meadows from the edge of the dark timber before I started up the mountain.

field from Log bow 2017.jpg
Below is a pic of one of the open meadows from the edge of the dark timber before I started up the mountain.
field from Log bow 2017.jpg (140.86 KiB) Viewed 21310 times

As I headed up the mountain paralleling a clear cut down wind from me I was able to enjoy the CO mountains right off the bat. Dead silent and beatiful before the heat kicked in. Had a large owl buzz my head as I moved through the woods and sunrise as always was amazing. I decided that since I was up here on my own solo until late tonight at best I better make the best of it and really cover some ground day one. As I started making my way up the mountian I took my time and did a few cold call setups waiting 30-45mins a piece to no avail. Finally by late morning I reached the top of the ridge and got the first view of the backside of that area that I had been online scouting earlier in the month. Not surprisingly, I was going to have to make a game plan for getting down, understanding that if I was lucky enough to get a shot off, humping an animal back out could be tough to say the least. Luckily with the GPS app adding way points was easy and I finally found an "easier" way down that then linked up to a game trail a couple hundred feet down.

backside view from top bow 2017.jpg
backside view from top bow 2017.jpg (214.27 KiB) Viewed 21310 times

The big reason for dropping over the back was in my online scouting I noticed a pond/series of ponds over the ridge that I assumed were in a lower meadow just over the ridge. Well once in country the topo view made me realize quickly what was hard to visualize from the computer. The entire backside of this ridge was a series of benchesh probably 100 yrds wide before the next steep drop of 200ft+ or more all the way down to the base. But I thought THIS IS GREAT it isn't just a simple valley but benches that hold water/ponds up high that not just every joe-shmo can stroll up on from down in the valley. Once I reached the pond I had seen online it was a great setup. Pond was at most 30yrds across and from the vantage point resting up against a tree, with good wind, the pond was right in-front of me with the steep hill in the background with a bench drop off directly behind me about 10yrds. It was about mid-day, I needed a break and decided this was going to be a good place to rest, get some water and food, and hopefully see some 4 legged creatures come out for some mid-day water close to the dark timber. Here is my view from under the tree of the pond. Across the pond the dead tree on the other side as 35yrsd with the far left being only 45.

backside pond bow 2017.jpg
backside pond bow 2017.jpg (257.14 KiB) Viewed 21310 times
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The Good, The Bad, The ROOKIE (Part 2)

Postby Losefreeze » 09 05, 2017 •  [Post 25]

Also, there was good sign that large boddied animals were using the area just behind me on the second bench. There is a large marsh area with most of the tall grass flattened down as a bedding area that looked highly used.
backside marsh bow 2017.jpg
backside marsh bow 2017.jpg (215.56 KiB) Viewed 21303 times

Well after a solid 2 1/2 hours of sitting on the pond with not even a single 4 legged creature checking in on the pond decided I needed to see if there was anything around. I started a cold calling sequence focused up the hill with then a location bugle behind me down into the other benches/valley. Kept that going on and off for about 15 mins and sat for another 30 mins. NOTHING. Well after all the lessons I have learned here not the end of the world but I decided that moving on was in my best interest. I packed up my gear and started humping back up the game trail to the other side of the ridge. Now that the wind was changing I decided this was the perfect opportunity to work the ridge all the way back to the Northern side that I had intentioned in the morning and work my way down back towards the south and luckily towards camp for the rest of the afternoon.

Once I reached the far north side of the area about half way down the mountain is when I started to see some action. Just like everyone else the area is so dry walking through the timber is like walking on potato chips so sneaking up on game isn't going to be the easiest thing in the world. A bit into the mid mountain side-hilling and I bump a few does. Then about an hour later a smaller 4 point buck and a couple of does. Knowing that this area has good dear, and luckily having both Either Sex Elk and Deer tags in my pocket, I then made the decision that is Elk hunt was going to turn into a Deer hunt.

By this time it was about 2 hrs from sun down so I decided I would work my way over and down to about 1/3 the way up the mountain just above an area of the valley below that I have seen many deer congregate at the year before just at sun down. I didn't want to go all the way to the valley floor because I figured I wanted to catch them working through the timber past me to get down there. So if the wind wasn't right for the initail shot, I would have the opportunity to sneak down on them and take my shot from the timber. Well, as they say, best laid plans...... :roll:

After sitting in my setup spot for about an hour I knew I needed to call it a day and start humping back to camp to utilize what light there was left in the timber to get out without having to blast my headlamp through the forest for an hour. Well about 20 mins into sidehilling my way out, because I didn't want to bomb down into the valley and bust anyone's hunt and who knows maybe I will run into something, BAM :o out of no where a solo doe is feeding just above me. She must have crept out of a thick dark timber stand just about mid mountain and was feeding on some nice greens there were on a small bench just above me. Luckily I had already nocked an arrow from my waiting spot and was walking through the woods at the ready. Thanks to everyone here. Well as I checked my wind laid out my plan for approach I look back to where she was and she was gone. I figured ok I didn't hear her bolt so she can't be far and started creeping my way in her general direction in order to keep my wind out of her way. Wind was traveling to my left so as long as I keep her in-front/to my right uphill I am golden. Well after about 15 mins of creeping around on the bench I feel like I had lost her as there were no further fresh tracks. Not but 100ft further and out of the corner of my eye I catch movement to my 10 o'clock. She was standing there feeding and wouldn't you know it I was out in the wide open. She picks up her head and starts looking right at me so the only thing I could think to do was close my eyes briefly to keep the only un-camoed part of me out of her sight and it worked. She starts to feed again but start working down hill towards my 9/8 o'clock which I now know is bad news becuase the will head directly into my scent. She is about to head behind a small pine and then beyond that my shooting lane. I only have a few seconds to guestimate the distance and start to draw. I turn begin to draw as she is a foot from my shooting lane. I am almost drawn back, with her in full view of my lane unaware I am there and BAM. My arrow fires over her back and smokes a dead tree behind her and she bolts. I am in shock and just stand there confused and bewildered. Well after marking my spot and trying to track her a bit after that I return to the point of failure to decipher what happened. Well this is where the rookie part comes in. In my rush to draw back on her my brain decided to skip a very important step. I am sure some of you veterans have figured it out by now, but in my draw I forgot to lock my trigger finger solidly behind my trigger and upon half draw just before I roll over the hump my finger taps my trigger and I launched my arrow into a tree behind her. Well to not disappoint I took the time to show you all where it ended up a solid 20 FEET up in a tree not to be recoverd.
arrow in tree bow 2017.jpg
arrow in tree bow 2017.jpg (117.68 KiB) Viewed 21303 times

As I have read here over and over hunting is more of a series of lessons learned and humble pie and I can say this is definetly my first large piece of both. It was a great opening weekend in the sense that I got out there, saw some game and actually had an unsuccessful opportunity but hey that is hunting. My next time out is going to be the last week of archery as I don't want to be out there with the ML lead slingers and it is just too darn hot still. The next hunt should be a solid 4 days so I can pick and choose my spots and possibly hunt a few areas instead of being locked into one with no elk.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 05, 2017 •  [Post 26]

losefreeze, great write up! that was a fun read, and I was not uncovering the pictures until I read everything above them, just in case there was a pic of an animal :D thanks for sharing!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 05, 2017 •  [Post 27]

the past couple days I have been in range of elk, but nothing to really be noted until this morning...close to elk, and close to shooting an elk can be pretty separate around here, sometimes elk in range may as well be 500 yds away....

this morning, I went to a spot that sees a lot of pressure, but I feel I have been figuring out their routine a little, as well as using other hunters to my advantage, and wanted to test this theory.

normally I don't hunt areas like this, I avoid others at all cost, and do whatever I need to to find some elk. lately, it's been so hot, meat spoilage is a real consideration, and being a solo hunter, I need to hunt within my responsible means, if I kill one, I need to be able to get it out of the woods in a timely fashion. not best case scenario, but a guy has to do what a guy has to do, at least i'm hunting ;)

I get into a sneaky ambush spot before light, and wait, and wait, and wait....getting eaten alive by blood sucking insects, but enjoying the stillness of the woods. about 8AM my ADD kicks in, and I cannot sit still any longer, and it's to the point, I don't think elk will be moving without cover, I have another spot in mind, some trees on the edge of a brush thicket.

I get to the stand of trees I had in mind, and hear elk moving towards me through the brush, I sneak around and try to hurry to get in a realistic spot, i'm a little slow, and the first cow pins me right when I get to where I need to be, they shuffle off, and I try to circle and get ahead of them, that doesn't work either, and they get ahead of me. instead of forcing it and really spook them, I hang out and listen to make a new plan. they go through a big briar patch, cross a creek and into a dense stand of alder.

I slowly and quietly close the distance, and make it within about 50 yds undetected. I have the wind, now I just have to wait and listen, and try to plan a new ambush. they are also waiting and listening, and not moving, but I have the wind. after about 90 minutes, or at least it seemed like it, they finally start to move to my right. I quietly shadow them, and they think they have ditched me. this went on for about 400 yds, then I had to get decisive, and figure out where they would come out, I pick a spot to set up, and I was right.

the first cow comes out, gets behind a tree, and I come to full draw knowing it was my only chance. I get away with drawing my bow, and the elk are slowly coming out of the brush, and slowly walking by at 20ish yds....

cow, cow, cow, cow, cow, cow, cow, cow.....that's all of em' dangit! not a bull in the bunch!

it was an exciting string of events, and I guess all practice has value. it worked, and it was another fun encounter.

hunting with a buddy tonight, good kid, fun to hunt with, I was standing next to him a few years ago when he killed his first bull, and the next year his first buck, and last year his second buck. we don't hunt together very much, but when we do, it's always fun, and usually have good action. since there are 2 of us, we are going to cover some boot miles.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Rock Stick or Fish » 09 08, 2017 •  [Post 28]

Got out to the spot super early yesterday, and didn't see or hear a thing. I don't know what spooked them, but they were laying real low.

I've been debating when to go back, and have heard everything from "Spooked Elk don't come back." to "The Roosies just hang out and don't actually leave."

I guess we'll come up with a plan B and keep an eye on that country.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby BrentLaBere » 09 08, 2017 •  [Post 29]

Roosiebull wrote:the past couple days I have been in range of elk, but nothing to really be noted until this morning...close to elk, and close to shooting an elk can be pretty separate around here, sometimes elk in range may as well be 500 yds away....

this morning, I went to a spot that sees a lot of pressure, but I feel I have been figuring out their routine a little, as well as using other hunters to my advantage, and wanted to test this theory.

normally I don't hunt areas like this, I avoid others at all cost, and do whatever I need to to find some elk. lately, it's been so hot, meat spoilage is a real consideration, and being a solo hunter, I need to hunt within my responsible means, if I kill one, I need to be able to get it out of the woods in a timely fashion. not best case scenario, but a guy has to do what a guy has to do, at least i'm hunting ;)

I get into a sneaky ambush spot before light, and wait, and wait, and wait....getting eaten alive by blood sucking insects, but enjoying the stillness of the woods. about 8AM my ADD kicks in, and I cannot sit still any longer, and it's to the point, I don't think elk will be moving without cover, I have another spot in mind, some trees on the edge of a brush thicket.

I get to the stand of trees I had in mind, and hear elk moving towards me through the brush, I sneak around and try to hurry to get in a realistic spot, i'm a little slow, and the first cow pins me right when I get to where I need to be, they shuffle off, and I try to circle and get ahead of them, that doesn't work either, and they get ahead of me. instead of forcing it and really spook them, I hang out and listen to make a new plan. they go through a big briar patch, cross a creek and into a dense stand of alder.

I slowly and quietly close the distance, and make it within about 50 yds undetected. I have the wind, now I just have to wait and listen, and try to plan a new ambush. they are also waiting and listening, and not moving, but I have the wind. after about 90 minutes, or at least it seemed like it, they finally start to move to my right. I quietly shadow them, and they think they have ditched me. this went on for about 400 yds, then I had to get decisive, and figure out where they would come out, I pick a spot to set up, and I was right.

the first cow comes out, gets behind a tree, and I come to full draw knowing it was my only chance. I get away with drawing my bow, and the elk are slowly coming out of the brush, and slowly walking by at 20ish yds....

cow, cow, cow, cow, cow, cow, cow, cow.....that's all of em' dangit! not a bull in the bunch!

it was an exciting string of events, and I guess all practice has value. it worked, and it was another fun encounter.

hunting with a buddy tonight, good kid, fun to hunt with, I was standing next to him a few years ago when he killed his first bull, and the next year his first buck, and last year his second buck. we don't hunt together very much, but when we do, it's always fun, and usually have good action. since there are 2 of us, we are going to cover some boot miles.

Great encounter. Too bad the right one wasnt in the bunch. Keep after it. Enjoying the updates guys
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 08, 2017 •  [Post 30]

my season is over, it ended in the biggest emotional roller coaster of my life, in the end I got SOOOOOO freaking lucky, huge series of lucky event turned my nightmare into a happy ending, I will tell the whole story soon, but i'm beat, and still frazzled. the short version of the opportunity.....

I got on elk right away yesterday morning, the big bull was pushing his cows like crazy, it was very chaotic, and I kept skirting them as they did this, he finally pushed the cows in front of me where I had a shooting lane, between cows running by me at full speed, I closed the distance to "too close" and got to full draw, the bull stayed in the brush for a minute thrashing trees, there was stuff flying 10 ft in the air, I was 10 yds and couldn't see him, he finally came out and gave me a broadside 10 yd shot. this is where the nightmare began, I don't know exactly what happened, but I hit him right behind the heart, and right below the lungs...talking like an inch either way and it's a 50yd recovery...like I said, I will share the whole story when I have the time, but it's probably gonna take me awhile.....I got so lucky to not lose him, i'm still bummed at myself, and feel so amazingly blessed it ended up working out as it did.
2017bull.jpg (324.39 KiB) Viewed 21113 times
2017 bull.jpg
2017 bull.jpg (294.63 KiB) Viewed 21113 times
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Re: hunting updates

Postby lamrith » 09 08, 2017 •  [Post 31]

Looking forward to the story when I get back. That is a Toad of a bull, nice heavy rack, and thanks for sharing your adventures,it has been awesome following along!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby ishy » 09 08, 2017 •  [Post 32]

Congrats Roosie, love the color of those antlers.
My first few days were super quiet, hot, and smokey. Odd find of the year was a bunch of blood about the size of a basketball in a wallow that I have a camera on. Nothing on the pics gave me any idea of were it came from? There was a little buck there that morning and a cow and 5 point during the night. The cow was the last one standing in the actual pool that had the blood.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Rock Stick or Fish » 09 08, 2017 •  [Post 33]

Great Elk, Roosie!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 08, 2017 •  [Post 34]

one more pic
2017 roosie.jpg
2017 roosie.jpg (332.03 KiB) Viewed 21094 times
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Losefreeze » 09 08, 2017 •  [Post 35]

Congrats Rossie. Reading your posts always gives me hope and speaks to the unpredictablilty of elk hunting. What a great sport!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby N2mywake » 09 09, 2017 •  [Post 36]

Very nice. Congrats!

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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 09, 2017 •  [Post 37]

it's kind of a tough thing to write, knowing text cannot depict what I have felt the past day and a half, I feel like a menopausal woman.

yesterday morning, first light I found myself among a herd of elk, branches breaking, cows mewing, and the strong pungent odor of an elk herd close. this year I had zero antler standards, a spiker was sounding just fine to me. I have a lot of people I want to hunt with and call for, and I was happy to fill my freezer at the first opportunity.

I was closing the distance on the herd of elk, looking through binos, making sure my movements were undetected, I had a very good opportunity in front of me, and I wanted to make the most of it. before long all of the elk go crashing off, and then stop, the cows were very chatty, and I knew I didn't spook them.

I shadowed them and caught up, and off they go, and I catch a glimpse of this bull chasing the cows. this went on for about 400 yds, then the bull pushed the cows my way. I was trying to be decisive, but also careful, in the middle of the stampede, I closed the distance, and got a little too close, cows running by my face at about 5 yds, I was actually nervous about getting run over.

I could hear the bull moaning and groaning as he worked his cows, I knew it was at least him and a spike for bulls, and if either gave me the chance, I was taking it.

all, or most of the cows had crossed my shooting lane, at full speed, and now were 30 yds behind me in the brush still talking up a storm, I knew it didn't matter if they winded me now.

the bull came almost out, I was at full draw and he started thrashing an elderberry bush. stuff was flying 10 ft in the air, and then it quit, I saw the brush moving, and hoped he didn't run through my window, he didn't. he came out and just stood there, 10 yds or less, full broadside shot, with nothing I saw as an obstruction, I had been at full draw a long time, as soon as I settled my pin, an arrow was on it's way and landed with a loud "CRACK!" the bull wheeled and ran right by me, and I saw a lot of arrow sticking out of him, I instantly had a bad feeling.

I listened to him and a couple other elk tear off, and then stop. the next few minutes, there was an occasional limb snapped, but nothing that indicated the bull was down. I waited a full 90 minutes before moving.

as I walked up, it was very easy to see where he had went, he plowed through a bunch of brush, and there was blood right at the impact spot. I never like to see that. as I slowly walked down the trail, I could see he was only bleeding out of one side, and the blood was not lung looking blood, and it was kind of a mist looking blood trail, another bad sign.

I found my arrow about where I last saw him, a little over half of my arrow, which lined up with what I saw as he ran off. I made it about 50 yds and I heard him start walking, oh crap....

I hung out awhile, nocked an arrow and proceeded. I found a couple small pools of blood where he stood, 3 spots, about 4" around. not a good sign as he was right there for 90 minutes. after those 3 spots, the blood quit....like all the way quit, I felt like throwing up. I looked for next blood for 2 more hours, then decided to back out for awhile, and ran into another hunter as I walked out....not good.

the next few hours were miserable, a friend of mine wanted to come help, and I was appreciative to have the help. I bought some peroxide and spray bottle. we spent 2 hours looking for next blood, found one little smear on a fern 10 yds past last blood, I was sick. we finally decided to use our gps's and grid search the whole area, we looked for a few more hours, following every potential track, and filling the whole area with track lines on our gps.

we saw a guy named John briefly last night, though at the time I didn't know it was him, and that little detail was a huge game changer.

I planned on going back in this morning when it got light in the trees, and doing another grid, and set a trail cam to see if I could maybe get a picture of him. this morning my wife texts me "call me asap"

these are not the type of texts I like getting, I am feeling horrible, now my wife is acting like there is an emergency. I call her and she tells me "john found your bull"

I have her text me his number and call him, he describes the area and i'm racing. he asks if I want to save the cape....no I don't care about the cape.

I have a really horrible feeling overwhelm me, that I am going to show up to this awesome bull and he is spoiled, I feel rock bottom...literally, feel like a total ***, bad as I have ever felt.

I show up, and I cannot believe what I see. John has the bull almost completely taken apart, all that's left for me to do is take one back strap off, and one side of the neck meat. I ask the question that I dread the answer to....how does it look, he looks up with a smile..."it's all good, it doesn't smell at all" I jump in and do what I can as fast as I can. as I start to finish what's left, i'm blown away that the meat actually is fine, and indeed has no odor...cannot describe that feeling.

I am in huge debt to that crew, I am brainstorming and want to do something, even though I can not equally repay them, or show them how much I truly appreciate their effort, I want to do something.

the best thing we can figure, the only thing that makes any possible sense is he crossed onto private, then sometime last night he came back over....looking for his cows? water? I don't know, but it's a flat out miracle this worked out....i'm still in disbelief, both of the situation, and generosity of John to go so far out of his way to do what he did.....blown away is the closest I can come to describing this.

the shot looked like I should have got heart, I don't know how I missed the heart, and right below the lungs....inches or maybe less from a very short recovery. this has been incredibly humbling, and hope it makes me better for the future.

I know that text cannot depict my emotions, but I am sure full of them
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Sask hunter » 09 09, 2017 •  [Post 38]

Glad you found him. Beautiful coloured horns
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Old school » 09 09, 2017 •  [Post 39]

Roosie - congrats! Thanks for the recap. It is great to hear of the generosity and sportsmanship of others. I'm sure you'll get the opportunity to "pay it forward".

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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 09, 2017 •  [Post 40]

ishy wrote:Congrats Roosie, love the color of those antlers.
My first few days were super quiet, hot, and smokey. Odd find of the year was a bunch of blood about the size of a basketball in a wallow that I have a camera on. Nothing on the pics gave me any idea of were it came from? There was a little buck there that morning and a cow and 5 point during the night. The cow was the last one standing in the actual pool that had the blood.

that is a very strange find indeed.

good luck out there and keep us posted!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby CurlyTail » 09 09, 2017 •  [Post 41]

Thanks for the running narrative. Can't get enough of that stuff this time of year.

Awesome chocolate colored rack!

I think maybe I would get John a nice spiral cut ham for his Christmas Dinner.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby ElkNut1 » 09 10, 2017 •  [Post 42]

Roosie, congrats on your bull, what a story!! So glad it all turned out well!

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Re: hunting updates

Postby Elkhunttoo » 09 10, 2017 •  [Post 43]

Congrats!!!!! And that a boy John :D
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Kellum » 09 10, 2017 •  [Post 44]

Glad it worked out man i know exactly how you feel. I trigger punched my release and hit my bull a little far back. My arrow had that gut smell when i found it. At that moment that sick feeling hit me knowing i made a poor shot. Luckly when we started to trail him there was much better blood then I thought and he did not go far. Withen that hour i went from feeling the lowest of the low to one of the happiest days of my life when my hands where on him. Congrats on a great bull and thanks for sharing!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 10, 2017 •  [Post 45]

Kellum wrote:Glad it worked out man i know exactly how you feel. I trigger punched my release and hit my bull a little far back. My arrow had that gut smell when i found it. At that moment that sick feeling hit me knowing i made a poor shot. Luckly when we started to trail him there was much better blood then I thought and he did not go far. Withen that hour i went from feeling the lowest of the low to one of the happiest days of my life when my hands where on him. Congrats on a great bull and thanks for sharing!

I am very glad your bull turned out well too :D

I have never felt like such a P O S, and helpless. i'm cutting him up today, and am happy to report, he is in as good of shape as I thought. no spoilage or even anything iffy. I am so fortunate, and I still cannot believe it.

I felt like I let the bull down, all of my fellow hunters that could have potentially taken him cleanly, and my family for messing up having an elk in the freezer for this year. I am pretty certain I wouldn't have been able to go try to kill another.

I won powerball ;)
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Rock Stick or Fish » 09 10, 2017 •  [Post 46]

Well, went up again to where we had run into our herd. We hunted hard, and with discipline, and didn't see a single thing.

Emailed a couple of foresters to see if land is available for a change of tactics.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby olympushunt » 09 10, 2017 •  [Post 47]

Awesome story RB, and awesome bull! Funny how it's a game of inches from beginning to end! Nice job!!!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby olympushunt » 09 13, 2017 •  [Post 48]

I'm not hearing much from the Mod team over in Idaho. Pretty quiet.....just crickets. Swede reported hearing lots of bugles but no love. Hopefully they knock something down soon.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 13, 2017 •  [Post 49]

i'm sure when the smoke clears for them boys, there will be some dead bulls on the meat pole ;)
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Cbb » 09 13, 2017 •  [Post 50]

The truck is loaded. Bow is shooting lasers. Nice front moving into Montana with colder temps. Should get the bulls fired up.

My uncle has done a little scouting for me and has some good starting points picked out for me.

Working tomorrow until 2pm, then heading to watch my boys play football and leaving after the game.

I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 13, 2017 •  [Post 51]

Cbb wrote:The truck is loaded. Bow is shooting lasers. Nice front moving into Montana with colder temps. Should get the bulls fired up.

My uncle has done a little scouting for me and has some good starting points picked out for me.

Working tomorrow until 2pm, then heading to watch my boys play football and leaving after the game.

I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve!

good luck out there! I love pre season anticipation
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 19, 2017 •  [Post 52]

so hopefully the 3 men involved in finding my bull will call me a few times in the next few years so I can help them pack some meat for them, in the meantime I ordered all 3 of them the "hunter" set of game bags by VIAM outdoors, and I am going to have a bunch of pepperoni sticks made, and give them 25lbs each, still doesn't come close to showing my appreciation, but it's a start....
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Re: hunting updates

Postby olympushunt » 09 19, 2017 •  [Post 53]

Im sure RB, your reaction and sincere gratitude was more than enough for quality guys like that. Im also sure they will like your thoughtful gifts too. Good on ya man. Guys like you are what this sport is all about and hopefully the next generation of bowhunters will learn some from guys like you.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Elkhunttoo » 09 20, 2017 •  [Post 54]

I'm sure they will appreciate the gift.

My brother in laws last day was last Friday and as the light faded he was 57 yards from a spike but his range is 50 and he felt with the fading light it wouldn't be a good shot, just ran out of daylight.

I went back out Saturday afternoon and found myself 100 yards away from a six point, nothing huge but a decent bull, swirling winds were horrible and hind sight is 20/20. Made a quick decision and it was the wrong one, with the winds the way they were i needed to have more patience and i lack in that category lots of times. Haven't been able to go since and won't be able to until Friday. Good luck all
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Re: hunting updates

Postby BullRun » 09 22, 2017 •  [Post 55]

What a great story Roosiebull! A great ending and a great bull to boot! Seems there are always good folks out in the woods. I've met a few that weren't, but mostly good folks. Reading all these detailed hunting descriptions is making it hard to do work. I'm headed to New Mexico next week for the first rifle season...guiding a first timer out and hopefully getting him a bull. Then, looking for a cow for my freezer. Coming back home and gonna hit the Coast in November and hopefully rustle up a rifle-season bull for myself.

Good luck out there everyone!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 23, 2017 •  [Post 56]

good luck bullrun! and welcome to the site, it's a really good group of folks here :D

I have some other stuff to write up when I have time, it has been an eventful few days hunting with buddies...nothing died, but some cool adventure and very close calls, even got to play with a monster today for a few hours.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 09 23, 2017 •  [Post 57]

short version of todays events, we were also VERY close to a big tom lion today. it rained all morning, and we found a lion scrape that was still bone dry on the kicked up dirt...we saw a lion yesterday.

I was calling for a buddy this morning, and around 8 I got the bull we were looking for to answer me...I thought it was a for sure deal if the wind held, we closed the distance, he was uphill, and his cows were closer to us. he charged in the first time I bugled, my buddy was 50ish yards out front (way plenty in the mega thick NF timber) but my buddy never had a clear shot. we played this game until 1pm, we chased him about 1.5 miles staying right on him, getting right in his cows, bugling, aggressive raking, breaking the biggest stuff I could find, making as much of a racket as I possibly could, rolling stuff down the hill....I COULD NOT get that bull to feel threatened, it was the most bizarre elk calling I have encountered, he basically let us hang out.

he would answer me very often, and then leave his cows by us....I still have not got a really detailed look at him, but it's a monster, my buddy saw him a few times during the day and described him as "super fat horned at least 6 point but I think more" :lol: I was within 20 yds of him 3 times early season...he will be around next year if I need an elk to humble me and make me look dumb

heck of a fun way to spend the day. been hunting with him and his brother since I finished, and it's been a ton of fun, lots of action. I am really going to miss chasing Roosies for a year.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby lamrith » 09 24, 2017 •  [Post 58]

olympushunt wrote:I'm not hearing much from the Mod team over in Idaho. Pretty quiet.....just crickets. Swede reported hearing lots of bugles but no love. Hopefully they knock something down soon.

No Cell service within an hour of camp over there.
Between smoke and weather it has been quiet, and the elk have made a major shift in normal routine, no sign at all in areas they have always been in at this time of season in previous years. Last bulls I heard this year were on 9/10 in the morning. That is why I shot my bear without hesitation on the 11th. Temps were mid 70's rising to mid 80's in middle of week. 9/20 we woke up to snow in camp.. I had to head home, but the guys are there thru the 30th and hoping the weather will wake things up.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 10 08, 2017 •  [Post 59]

Roosiebull wrote:short version of todays events, we were also VERY close to a big tom lion today. it rained all morning, and we found a lion scrape that was still bone dry on the kicked up dirt...we saw a lion yesterday.

I was calling for a buddy this morning, and around 8 I got the bull we were looking for to answer me...I thought it was a for sure deal if the wind held, we closed the distance, he was uphill, and his cows were closer to us. he charged in the first time I bugled, my buddy was 50ish yards out front (way plenty in the mega thick NF timber) but my buddy never had a clear shot. we played this game until 1pm, we chased him about 1.5 miles staying right on him, getting right in his cows, bugling, aggressive raking, breaking the biggest stuff I could find, making as much of a racket as I possibly could, rolling stuff down the hill....I COULD NOT get that bull to feel threatened, it was the most bizarre elk calling I have encountered, he basically let us hang out.

he would answer me very often, and then leave his cows by us....I still have not got a really detailed look at him, but it's a monster, my buddy saw him a few times during the day and described him as "super fat horned at least 6 point but I think more" :lol: I was within 20 yds of him 3 times early season...he will be around next year if I need an elk to humble me and make me look dumb

heck of a fun way to spend the day. been hunting with him and his brother since I finished, and it's been a ton of fun, lots of action. I am really going to miss chasing Roosies for a year.

here is a cool pic from this day, biggest I have seen. we had him worked up, just not enough I guess ;)
dry wallow.jpg
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 11 30, 2017 •  [Post 60]

got my bull back today, the lady who did the euro made it turn out better than I thought a euro could, the detail and finish work is so awesome. glad I found her, her prices are way better than who I previously used, and her work is another level, if anyone needs a skull cleaned in Oregon, get a hold of me and get her contact info, impressive work, and nice lady.

I will post a couple pics of the detail tomorrow.

my daughter and 2 nephews thought it was cool too :D
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Swede » 12 01, 2017 •  [Post 61]

Roosie: You have a beautiful trophy. It looks first class all the way. The kids are sure cute. They look like a great crew to come home to.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby CurlyTail » 12 01, 2017 •  [Post 62]

Very nice European Mount!
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Elkhunttoo » 12 01, 2017 •  [Post 63]

Nice!!! What an incredible hunt you had
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 12 02, 2017 •  [Post 64]

rumor has it, a bunch of land I grew up hunting will be open again next year.....if that is the case, next year will be pretty dang easy compared to the last few. hunting timber company land is so easy compared to national forest, walking lots of miles on roads, but it's much easier than covering the same distance cross country through bi second growth with nasty canyon after nasty canyon :D

if I get my poop in a group before August, I will be shooting a traditional bow next year, so easier will be very much needed....will have to see how my shooting progresses, if I can become proficient at 25yds, my compound days will be behind me.
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Re: hunting updates

Postby BullRun » 06 06, 2018 •  [Post 65]

Roosiebull wrote:rumor has it, a bunch of land I grew up hunting will be open again next year.....if that is the case, next year will be pretty dang easy compared to the last few. hunting timber company land is so easy compared to national forest, walking lots of miles on roads, but it's much easier than covering the same distance cross country through bi second growth with nasty canyon after nasty canyon :D

if I get my poop in a group before August, I will be shooting a traditional bow next year, so easier will be very much needed....will have to see how my shooting progresses, if I can become proficient at 25yds, my compound days will be behind me.

wondering how that trad bow is working out?? I know it's a different world...let us know if you ever got your poop in a group :lol:
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Re: hunting updates

Postby Roosiebull » 06 28, 2018 •  [Post 66]

BullRun wrote:
Roosiebull wrote:rumor has it, a bunch of land I grew up hunting will be open again next year.....if that is the case, next year will be pretty dang easy compared to the last few. hunting timber company land is so easy compared to national forest, walking lots of miles on roads, but it's much easier than covering the same distance cross country through bi second growth with nasty canyon after nasty canyon :D

if I get my poop in a group before August, I will be shooting a traditional bow next year, so easier will be very much needed....will have to see how my shooting progresses, if I can become proficient at 25yds, my compound days will be behind me.

wondering how that trad bow is working out?? I know it's a different world...let us know if you ever got your poop in a group :lol:

not gonna happen this year. right when I started getting better the end of last year I broke a rib, then started shooting again and went crabbing, trashed out my wrists....now i'm shooting again, but things are not happening fast enough.

seems like i'm always fighting off irritating injuries that show themselves when shooting my recurve. work beats up my shoulders and right elbow, when I crab I can barely shoot my compound with my wrists.

for the first time ever, I have my 70lb bow (maxes at 73lbs) backed off to 69lbs. going the wrong way for getting into traditional archery. hopefully I can stay healthy for a bit now, recurves are a lot different than compounds. I can shoot a 70lb compound without being phased, but anything over 45lbs on my recurve and it starts hurting my elbow and shoulder. work has slowed a bit, so i'm feeling good physically, so i'm using it as an opportunity, but it will be my compound this year.

a good friend unexpectedly drew the most coveted elk tag in the state, so i'm going to go help him for at least the first week, and likely more, so my time will be short, I will need every advantage I can get this year, but I have accepted breaking my streak this year. really want to see my buddy do well with his tag, so I will focus lots of effort there.

maybe we will get lucky and we find a 340" bull right off the bat, but I ain't holding my breath. we will effectively be way out of our element, but i'm excited.
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