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Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

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Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby ElkNut1 » 10 10, 2018 •  [Post 1]

Every year I put a couple Game Cams up at a Wallow Or Waterhole, it's cool to see the clientele in the area. Most these aren't far from an Elk's bedding area which means it's within earshot of my calling; generally within 400 yards. I get get countless elk photos coming by them by mostly the same elk which may number in total 10-15 different ones. Once in a while I'll get a bull on them but it's rare in most instances. I generally remove the cameras by Sept. 1st.

What's interesting is we do kill bulls close to the wallow/waterhole, these are taken through calling & not sitting there in ambush. It's also interesting to note that rare is the bull we take on the Trail cam! Actually we get few bull photos on them in all in 30 days of the cams being there.

I like going to this particular area & Bugling for a bulls location, if nothing responds or calls on it's own within 30 minutes I then leave & come back about every 3rd or 4th day until I hear a bugle or incite one. In most cases when an elk is home I'll hear a single bugle from above the wallow/waterhole & nothing I've done will incite a 2nd one from that same position I'm at. You get one bugle & that's it! In the case of a single bugle I will find a good setup spot as close as possible, lately it's been in the 150-175 yard distance from where I think they are in the timber. I will Slow Play those bulls right to me, it takes aprox 20-30 minutes.

On one occasion I did get into a bugling bull in that area & I was able to call him in, in minutes, he had a hot cow so Slow Playing him was not needed.

For me calling is a great way to put a bull down even though I show no bulls on the cams in most cases. Point being, don't think the only elk you may see on your Trail cams are the ones around, there's a good chance there's others you have no idea are there! Calling to locate & then calling them your way can be a great way to punch your tag!

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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Swede » 10 10, 2018 •  [Post 2]

IMG_0351.JPG (148.28 KiB) Viewed 8217 times

Here is a picture of a water hole with bulls hanging around. There were at least eight in there at that time. Some water holes get frequent bull use and some get frequent cow use. Some get both, but it seems that one gender is generally dominant at a water hole.
I call from water holes occasionally, but never answer a bull that has bugled.
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby ElkNut1 » 10 10, 2018 •  [Post 3]

Cool photo swede! I've not had the privilege of having photos like yours with all bulls around! We either get cows or a bull here & there mixed with the cows. What I do know is if there's cows around the bulls are not too far away! This is why I believe in calling around these areas, it's a great way to locate elk that just haven't gone down that trail where the camera is. I'm not sitting a stand there I'm calling in the vicinity of the water source hoping a bull or two is around. I've found sooner or later they will be in earshot of my calling or they bugle on their own giving away their position, once they do it's game on, I go to them & make things happen! --

I do not wait for them to come down a trail that my camera hasn't revealed their existence yet so I listen carefully to their bugle & evaluate them from that single response & form a plan to get them into bowrange! So far it has worked awesome! I've done this with my Son, we went to this area & killed 5 bulls in 6 years by calling these bulls in right on top of us, only one was ever on our trail cam. We didn't go there one year or I'm confident it would be 6 out of 6. This is OTC public land where these bulls are constantly called to, but there's making elk sounds & communicating with them, this is what has made the difference for us. We do this in any area where water sources are near bedding areas!

Here's 5 good reasons to call from a water source! (grin)

Paul II 2013 Bull Color04.jpg
2013 bull
Paul II 2013 Bull Color04.jpg (165.31 KiB) Viewed 8193 times
25 2015 Paul II Six Point Bull.jpg
2015 bull
25 2015 Paul II Six Point Bull.jpg (170.11 KiB) Viewed 8193 times
2016 Paul II Six Point Bull 06.jpg
2016 bull
2016 Paul II Six Point Bull 06.jpg (167 KiB) Viewed 8193 times
2018 Paul II 5pt Bull ID.JPG
2017 bull
2018 Paul II 5pt Bull ID.JPG (331.77 KiB) Viewed 8193 times
2018 bull OTC!.JPG
2018 bull
2018 bull OTC!.JPG (269.32 KiB) Viewed 8193 times
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Swede » 10 10, 2018 •  [Post 4]

Great bulls Paul. No doubt you have had some real success calling from water holes and wallows. I don't call a lot from my water hole, but sometimes will before I get into my stand or even after. I have had some success, but it had not been all that productive for me.
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby redtop » 10 11, 2018 •  [Post 5]

Paul your posts are gold! I'm sure you've helped a lot of hunters get on elk since you started this forum. Thanks!
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby ElkNut1 » 10 11, 2018 •  [Post 6]

Norm, thank you! Yes we've helped a few folks out & enjoy every minute of it immensely! I like Passing It On. I have no problem sharing Tactics that flat work on these pressured bulls! All 5 of those bulls were taken no more than a 1/2 mile from dirt roads. All hunters need to do is know how to read a bulls emotion through a single bugle, if he's aggressive then no need to Slow Play! If not aggressive (this is most bulls) then you Slow Play him, this can work on the most call shy bulls out there!

swede, thanks! As I mentioned, there's making Elk Sounds (which most hunters do) then there's communicating in such a fashion that it can draw in the most elusive lethargic bulls! We do this every year on OTC DIY bulls. #-1 Tactic on call shy bulls with little to no bugling action going on is to slowly convince them that you are a bull with a single hot cow in your presence. To do this you need to use Sounds that only Bulls use when they have a hot cow next to them, this sends a message to the real bull without ever calling to him that you are a bull with the hot cow by your sound sequence he recognizes! IMPORTANT POINT-- Cows make no special whines or mews when coming into estrus, only bulls do, this can alert any bulls within earshot & suck them in your way to either scent check your spot or try to call the cow their way one of the times you inject your cow mews during this Sequence as you sell the Tactic! -- I do not do this from the actual waterhole in most cases but am not far from them either. At any rate I do not try to call them to me once they're located until I'm in my setup spot that's chosen, anywhere in the 150 - 175 yard distance will work if I cannot get any closer! Food for thought!

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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Treestandgoatman » 10 11, 2018 •  [Post 7]

Hi Paul,

You have helped me a ton in the last 2 years since I found your information, and I cannot thank you enough (I've been living in a cave with no internet, or smart phone:). During the days this last year I was doing what you described for locating bulls while they where still in there beds (near water, wallows, or down wind of beading areas). The area had LOTS of other hunters, and the bulls where not normally responding to bugels during daylight hours. I found I could normally get them to sound off if I had a calf/ cow conversation, then move to a locate buzz after a while if they where quiet (worse than wolves stuff kind of stuff:). Once they gave away there position I would move in as close as possible and start with the slow play. The bull sounds seamed to make the real bulls more cautious (sometimes is always implied with any statement). If I am after any bull is it still best to start the slow play breading sequence? I kept the cow/ calf sounds for about 5 return bugels from the bulls. I told him to come to me, he responded with telling me to come to him ( I'm sure you have heard this a thousand times!). His responses grew to about level 7 telling me to come. Then I would start with some pants, or raking ( I am thinking I should have just gone silent here)? This happened a couple of times, and am wondering if a different play may might be more fitting? For a smaller bull what would be your go to sequence once he responds to cow sounds?

I've been over analyzing this for a while, and any input would be appreciated..

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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Jhg » 10 11, 2018 •  [Post 8]

Treestandgoatman wrote:... The bull sounds seamed to make the real bulls more cautious...
My questions almost exactly, especially the cautious/timid scared by a mouse bulls.
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Swede » 10 11, 2018 •  [Post 9]

I certainly realize I have not seen everything associated with elk and elk hunting, and Paul said I was full of bologna on a post. I don't know or really care what he was referring to exactly, but it seems we are hunting totally different situations. He is hunting his area, and I am hunting mine. The situations are very different.
I wrote about calling in five hunters, in two groups, within an hour, in an area that I thought would be a good possibility for locating elk. I was with my cousin at the time and we never heard a real elk all morning. I called about every day somewhere in my hunting area. I never heard one answer. I did hear a bull a couple of times that was controlling his herd.
I have found that calling from a water hole will work on occasion, but I don't bugle much. I bugle enough to let elk know there is another elk in the area. I hope they get curious and come in to check him out. I do not engage in any back and forth calling near my tree stand.
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Swede » 10 11, 2018 •  [Post 10]

I was short for time when I posted above, but want to clarify a point. As most or all of you know; sometimes I will take issue with Elknut. I do not question his tips, techniques or tactics. I have read his Playbook and watched all of his earlier cds. They are filled with solid information and I would have to search to find something to debate. I wish I knew that stuff 20 years sooner, when calling in my area was much more productive. His tips on set up would have made a huge difference when I was calling in bulls only to have them hang up just out of shooting range. I have no doubt Paul know how to call elk as well as anyone out there.
My objection is only on the appearance of advocating the universal application of calling. I believe he and his son could come to where I have been hunting, at any time in the season after Labor Day and their success rate would be under 10%. Elknut could blow on his Chuckler until his anus stuck out like his thumb and he would not get an elk like he is shown with in the pictures.
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby ElkNut1 » 10 11, 2018 •  [Post 11]

swede, you need to take to heart the info I'm sharing on how to use either the Slow Play or when to be Aggressive out of the gate with one of the 8 bulls you show in your Trail Cam photo, no need to me come over & kill one, you can do it! Have faith & a Positive attitude that it can be done & your odds will sky rocket! Good Luck!

Treestand, you mention you employed the Slow Play & then describe what you did when the bull responded on 4-5 separate cow sounds exchanges, no where did you say you Challenged the bull after the 1st or 2nd time he tried to call your hot cow away? A moderate challenge needed to be injected showing a defensive action, this sells your sequence! Each time he tried calling your cow away you add more emotion to your challenge, after 3-4 he will be in your lap. -- Too, you say you responded with a cow sound calling the real bull to you, was it the regathering mew, if not it should have been. On his third attempt to call you away you then would give the real bull 3-5 Contact Buzzes, this is demanding him to come your way, when he responds you cut him off with a challenge in addition to your pants, glunks & raking!

Guys, unless you actually see the bull don't assume a lazy bugle or whiny bugle is automatically a small bull you are working. You can be surprised sometimes what may be on the other end of that bugle!

These two bulls here sounded like they were no more that 4 point bulls, sometimes getting eyes on them is very important. None the less go through your Sequence selling the fact you have a hot cow in your presence, it can take 5 minutes to 30 minutes of working some bulls, don't give up & DO NOT GET SPOTTED MOVING A BIT!

IMG_0917.JPG (573.7 KiB) Viewed 8077 times
Paul II 2013 Bull Color05.jpg
Paul II 2013 Bull Color05.jpg (165.97 KiB) Viewed 8077 times
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Swede » 10 11, 2018 •  [Post 12]

ElkNut1 wrote:Treestand, you mention you employed the Slow Play & then describe what you did when the bull responded on 4-5 separate cow sounds exchanges, no where did you say you Challenged the bull after the 1st or 2nd time he tried to call your hot cow away? A moderate challenge needed to be injected showing a defensive action, this sells your sequence! Each time he tried calling your cow away you add more emotion to your challenge, after 3-4 he will be in your lap. -- Too, you say you responded with a cow sound calling the real bull to you, was it the regathering mew, if not it should have been. On his third attempt to call you away you then would give the real bull 3-5 Contact Buzzes, this is demanding him to come your way, when he responds you cut him off with a challenge in addition to your pants, glunks & raking!

I am sorry, but I am drawing a blank on this exchange you mentioned. I have never read the tree stand book since it was published in 2011. Maybe if I read it in context, it would be clear to me. Anyway, I have read more of your writing than my own since then. The bulls I caught on my game camera all went to the ranch where they stayed. I sat at that same location for about a the first week of the season, and occasionally after, but nothing ever showed up.

No doubt if you get a bull to respond to your calling, Paul's recommendations are spot on. I am finding it very difficult to get bulls, that are not staying safe on the ranch, to engage.
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby ElkNut1 » 10 11, 2018 •  [Post 13]

Not sure if you have a question in there somewhere swede?

Here's my take on your area or any unit I'm hunting. I will give it one or two days tops, if I don't kill I don't stick around I move on elsewhere in the unit. I personally avoid areas that are next to private lands like the plague! I prefer areas that are no where close to them no matter how many elk are there. No doubt if good elk numbers are there then there's good pressure there from other hunters as well, not my cup of tea!

Heck I can find plenty of areas here in my unit where it's close to private lands but I prefer to avoid them. I don't need good numbers of elk, I just need one bull one bugle! Seriously, I will find a way to get that bull in!

You may think that we have elk everywhere here but it's not so, many days in a row we hear nothing! But that one day I get one to bugle or one bugles on his own he'd better look out because odds are he's going for a truck ride! It's 5.9% to kill a cow or bull here. Not good odds but we get it done every year!

These bulls are from this year, this one I called in for the Vet Jerry was the only bull we heard that day, he got a truck ride!

This 5 point Rag bull is one I shot early Sept, my Son called him in, it too was the only bull we'd heard in 3 days of hunting. It only takes one!

ElkNut Bull.JPEG
ElkNut Bull.JPEG (287.59 KiB) Viewed 8065 times
3 Vets 2018.JPEG
3 Vets 2018.JPEG (603.63 KiB) Viewed 8065 times
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Swede » 10 11, 2018 •  [Post 14]

I was just saying I don't recall the incident you ascribed to the book. I don't know if it matters. What I can say is that I don't engage bulls from my stand, even if they answer my bugle or cow call.
Years ago I tried to call bulls in that I had heard, and found they just went quiet and left. So I quit answering all bugles, and found more often they will come in if they don't hear any cow or bull answer. That certainly depends on the location and the situation. I believe often they call to see if anything is at the water hole. I try to surprise them.
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby ElkNut1 » 10 12, 2018 •  [Post 15]

swede, no problem! Not changing the way you hunt, I was sharing info on other ways that can be highly effective when hunting anywhere near waterholes/wallows. Being versatile can be a good way to be. If you ever decide you'd like to understand Elk Sounds instead of just making them let me know, I'll help all I can! Thanks!

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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Swede » 10 12, 2018 •  [Post 16]

Paul, I appreciate what you are saying and your offer. I am about half squirrel and it will be hard to get me to ground hunt. Food comes from a tree. You only pick it up on the ground. It is because I don't hunt on the ground often, that I have adapted, or learned to hunt the way I do. I would guess over 90% of elk hunters stay on the ground, and for those that are mobile, Elknut's tactics are right. I don't call because I am stationary in my tree.
I evolved into being a squirrel. It was slow at first, but I found myself getting more elk when I was in a tree than on the ground. I hated sitting for hours in the beginning. The first time I was there about an hour, and got out. It was a weekend hunt, and I spent the remainder of my time hiking and calling. I saw a lot more elk. It was more interesting and even exciting. I moved the stand to another location, and the second time I sat in it, a bull was killed. All of a sudden tree stand hunting became more interesting, but even today there are long stretches of boredom. If you can't sit still and wait, then tree stand hunting is not for you.
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby ElkNut1 » 10 12, 2018 •  [Post 17]

Ha Ha, fair enough sir!

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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Swede » 10 12, 2018 •  [Post 18]

"Never mind that you have very Tom,Dick, and Harry tooting on every elk call they can buy every 5 minutes." Saddlesore from the Virtual Campfire Forum the "Why Quit" thread?

This is likely the genesis of my biggest beef with calling. Ignorant callers blatting far too much, and never getting anything are a problem. Bugling in over called areas or other locations where elk are call shy is problematic. I suspect if Paul and his hunting companions were to hunt in my area, they would not be a real nuisance Saddlesore described. They know how to effectively call.

I don't know why, but I know hunters that have read the tree stand book, but they don't get it. I started a thread "The Cow Dropped A Bomb" to discuss a problem I have seen several times with hunters that have read the book, but seem to be clueless about where to set a stand. Even placing a stand in a tree is often done poorly. They think they can cut corners I guess. As well as setting in the wrong area, sitting in the wrong tree or wrong place in the tree is just courting failure.
Like tree stands, calling is one of those tools you use right, or enjoy tag soup. I find that too many hunters have their tool and try to use it indiscriminately. After making a complete nuisance of themselves and getting nothing, they quit hunting. Duh. Yes even tree stand hunters can be a nuisance, but they are easier to avoid.
I like sitting at water holes and wallows like Elknut likes calling from them. I suspect he may be as discriminating in where he spends time calling as I am about where I am sitting. Not every water hole is anything special. Hopefully he does not sit under my tree to call when I am perched above. :shock:
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby lamrith » 10 12, 2018 •  [Post 19]

Swede wrote:I was just saying I don't recall the incident you ascribed to the book. I don't know if it matters. What I can say is that I don't engage bulls from my stand, even if they answer my bugle or cow call.
Years ago I tried to call bulls in that I had heard, and found they just went quiet and left. So I quit answering all bugles, and found more often they will come in if they don't hear any cow or bull answer. That certainly depends on the location and the situation. I believe often they call to see if anything is at the water hole. I try to surprise them.

There may be a little bit of confusion.., I think he was responding to Treestandgoatman's post, not calling you "treehunter". If that makes sense.
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Swede » 10 12, 2018 •  [Post 20]

Lamrith, you are correct. No wonder I was drawing a blank on what Paul was referencing. I thought he was referring to something I wrote in the book, but I had no memory of it. Makes sense now. It is good to know I am not suffering from dementia.
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Treestandgoatman » 10 12, 2018 •  [Post 21]

Thanks for the response Paul, I guess I should recap on a couple of the incounter I had this year. These two incounter happened about the 16 th of September, which is when the bulls in the area started to respond almost immediately to cow sounds, crickets to bugels. Like I mentioned the area has a high hunter population, it is in Eastern Oregon, probably not to far from where Swede goes. I am solo, and have never hunted with someone that was successful regularly. What I am hoping for is some kind of a critique on my sequence that might prove to be better odds, or input from more exsperienced to just keep it up? I know getting them to come to me won't happen every time, or even most of the time. I'm sure this would bring in the right bull, but would you change something to maybe bring in more? It's a stray from the slow play, at the start, but I've been dying to ask..

I'll try a dialogue. The commas represent time passage. Cow represents adult mew. Timing of calling is trying to match the momentum with the bull. Bulls let's say satellite.

Me: left side calf,,, 1/2 urgent calf,, very urgent calf, right side cow,, re-gathering cow,,,,,,,left calf ,, repeat sometimes after about 15 minutes.
Bull: 1/2 emotion come hear bugel (150 yards away, thick area. Wind is good and he is on his feet, or just getting out of his bed.)
Me: cow,, cow, re-gathering cow,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, moving closer if I can
Bull: 3/4 emotion come here Bugel
Me: cow,,,,re-gather,,, calf behind me
Bull: full out get over here bugel
Me: 3/4 challenge bugel,,,cow behind me, contact buzz
Bull: come here bugel chuckles
Me: contact buzz behind me, challenge bugel, raking, then to quiet conversation between cow and bull, soft mew, longer soft mew, pants raking
Bull: he is hot, fired up, and bugels full out, raking, ect.
Me: nervous grunt followed immediately by challenge. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,quiet conversation with glunks...

Repeat the last few sequences with variations.

Shouldn't he come to drive me into the dirt by now??

(Once I went toward him with cow coming to bull sounds, he backed up faster than I was going to him. He never saw me, sounded like a good bull, and I listened to him for about an hour hoping he would come to get a sniff. He just stayed where he was advertising after that.)

Now I am worried about other hunters showing up... Somehow they normally show up up-wind of the real bull. Game over. I normally get to about 60 yards from the bull, but rarely see them due to a tight set up. I think all the blue flutes might be the largest hold up (Swedes point I believe) the bull knows this game all to well, but it sure is fun to play!
I can't think of what I should try to do differently (other than get in a tree stand, which I do sometimes). This is the plan of attack I have when a bull starts to get fired up. I'm obsessed, and I know I sound good. I almost had a guy draw on me this year. That will teach me to mess with people!

I'm often slow to reply due to, well life. Im also leaving for the weekend to try and fill an additional deer tag I drew:)

If nothing else this was fun to recapture a couple of interactions I have had:)

Thanks for reading.

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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby lamrith » 10 12, 2018 •  [Post 22]

Swede wrote:Lamrith, you are correct. No wonder I was drawing a blank on what Paul was referencing. I thought he was referring to something I wrote in the book, but I had no memory of it. Makes sense now. It is good to know I am not suffering from dementia.

No worse than the rest of us Swede. Though given that you are 1/2 squirrel (I have seen it 1st hand) maybe it is just squirrel memory? :lol:
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Swede » 10 14, 2018 •  [Post 23]

It seems to me that elk are generally more jittery around water holes, especially as they approach one, than they are in the general forest. So, how does calling work in that situation?
Also I have had elk skirt by a water hole/wallow where I am waiting, without coming to it. What call if any would generally work in that situation?
Last season, and the one before, I had elk that had become suspicious of something. They did not immediately run off, but would not approach the water hole. Last year September 2017, it was a bull that stayed about 100 yards away, and barked off and on for several hours. I suspect he caught a little of my movement through the trees and got nervous. This past season 2018, I was betrayed by a little noise. It was not enough to run them off far, but enough to keep them from coming in and they just wandered away. Would a regathering cow call have a chance? What else might help?
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Roosiebull » 10 14, 2018 •  [Post 24]

ElkNut1 wrote:Every year I put a couple Game Cams up at a Wallow Or Waterhole, it's cool to see the clientele in the area. Most these aren't far from an Elk's bedding area which means it's within earshot of my calling; generally within 400 yards. I get get countless elk photos coming by them by mostly the same elk which may number in total 10-15 different ones. Once in a while I'll get a bull on them but it's rare in most instances. I generally remove the cameras by Sept. 1st.

What's interesting is we do kill bulls close to the wallow/waterhole, these are taken through calling & not sitting there in ambush. It's also interesting to note that rare is the bull we take on the Trail cam! Actually we get few bull photos on them in all in 30 days of the cams being there.

I like going to this particular area & Bugling for a bulls location, if nothing responds or calls on it's own within 30 minutes I then leave & come back about every 3rd or 4th day until I hear a bugle or incite one. In most cases when an elk is home I'll hear a single bugle from above the wallow/waterhole & nothing I've done will incite a 2nd one from that same position I'm at. You get one bugle & that's it! In the case of a single bugle I will find a good setup spot as close as possible, lately it's been in the 150-175 yard distance from where I think they are in the timber. I will Slow Play those bulls right to me, it takes aprox 20-30 minutes.

On one occasion I did get into a bugling bull in that area & I was able to call him in, in minutes, he had a hot cow so Slow Playing him was not needed.

For me calling is a great way to put a bull down even though I show no bulls on the cams in most cases. Point being, don't think the only elk you may see on your Trail cams are the ones around, there's a good chance there's others you have no idea are there! Calling to locate & then calling them your way can be a great way to punch your tag!


Paul, that is some good and useful information!

I have seen the same, and I think trail cams can actually hurt some folks. I always try to get pics of a big bull I know of pre season, yet never do. I get lots of elk pics... never that one though.

If I relied on cams for Intel, I would never know the bigger bulls I encounter exist! Big bulls are always seen in person, I never get the big ones on cam, even though I know areas they frequent.

I never rule a spot out based on t cam pics. I only run cams in winter through early summer, don't ever have them out during season, I truly enjoy the mystery of what's around, I don't want trail cams to taint that aspect... even if I am no good at getting big ones on cam, haha
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby ElkNut1 » 10 15, 2018 •  [Post 25]

Roosiebull, Ditto!!

Treestandgoatman, It looks like you are trying to combine a Cold Calling Sequence with the Slow Play? No need sir, trust the Slow Play on its own. You only want/need one bull & one cow for the Slow Play to be effective! -- Each bull can be different so setting an exact time for this Sequence to run its course will vary. It is 75%-80% effective at pulling a bull in you know is there! We have to do our part in selling it! Remember, this Sequence is a bull with a single cow coming into estrus, this is what can ignite the real bull & arouse his Testosterone level, you'll know it's working when you get a single bugle back from him within 15 minutes! Be sparing on your regathering mews & contact buzzes, only 2-4 are needed in response to the real bull, once real bull responds that's when you give a low moderate guttural challenge, nothing real abrasive, just enough to show him your displeasure. As things develop you will raise momentum which in turn raises the real bulls aggressiveness. -- As you start to notice his interest & his bugles are now closer in distance it's obvious he's cut the distance. Once you see/hear this turn around to cast your calling (both cow & bull challenge along with 10 seconds of raking & panting) behind you as if you've retreated some. As a lone hunter now move up 30 yards or so & stop all calling from new position, be patient, he will show!

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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby ElkNut1 » 10 18, 2018 •  [Post 26]

It seems to me that elk are generally more jittery around water holes, especially as they approach one, than they are in the general forest. So, how does calling work in that situation?

#-1 - Those elk are entering their destinations! The same cautious attitude would apply at feeding,bedding, water sources, etc. Unless I sat a spot knowing the aprox time they should show because of trail cam photos I generally do not hang around the destination spot outside of Calling to locate elk in the area. I will call in the vicinity of a 1/2 mile in all 4 directions, if no response after 10-15 minutes in each calling area I move on, I do not waste time when there are no bugling bulls on their own or in response to my bugling! I'm only after bulls so don't do many Cold Calling Setups in these areas.

Also I have had elk skirt by a water hole/wallow where I am waiting, without coming to it. What call if any would generally work in that situation?

#-2 - Bugling? You saw their movement? How'd you know they were around? Maybe they weren't thirsty or they knew you were there for a variety of reasons!

Last season, and the one before, I had elk that had become suspicious of something. They did not immediately run off, but would not approach the water hole. Last year September 2017, it was a bull that stayed about 100 yards away, and barked off and on for several hours. I suspect he caught a little of my movement through the trees and got nervous. This past season 2018, I was betrayed by a little noise. It was not enough to run them off far, but enough to keep them from coming in and they just wandered away. Would a regathering cow call have a chance? What else might help?

#-3 - I'd get out of the tree & cow call my way with interest to them, they will anchor right there & wait for you as this is what they are asking for! They want to know what it was they heard or saw! You have little chance calling them back to you so go to them with cover & wind in your favor!

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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby Swede » 10 18, 2018 •  [Post 27]

Good information and thanks for posting Paul. I admit I do not get out of my stand to chase elk. I may take it too far.
One time the elk were breeding just out of sight below my stand. That sequence went on for about 10 minutes while I waited. I always thought I took patience to a new level on that, but shortly thereafter, that morning I killed a herd bull from that stand. I think it was a different bull, but I can't be sure.
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Re: Why I Call From Wallows/Waterholes!

Postby ElkNut1 » 10 19, 2018 •  [Post 28]

No worries, you enjoy hunting from a stand & I like the Run & Gun style, both work!

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