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Incrementalism. The long road back.

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Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 01 24, 2023 •  [Post 1]

Today begins the 2023 elk season 28 week challenge. Injury, age, extra weight. Its all good. Start today doing whatever you can and keep at it.

1) Objective

This challenge is designed to have you ready for elk season to whatever level makes sense to you.

It is not a "fitness" program, with a rigid schedule of rest days and milestones. This is an encouragement thread as much as anything. Many of us have injuries and/or are older.

2) Target areas:

There will be four targets in the challenge: 1-cardio, 2-leg strength, 3-shoulder strength, 4- flexibility. More on these later.

All four are like a good cookie recipe. Leave one out and the results are less than satisfactory. So take them seriously.

3) Access to training

Not everyone has a gym, and you don't need one. However, maybe there is a YMCA near you? Ours offers treadmills and stationary bikes, rowing machines etc. These are low impact tools that are great building strength and cardio. They also have spin classes and stuff but I will be a monkey's uncle before you get me to sign up for one.

High school bleachers? A great way to build leg strength by climbing up and down the local high school football fields bleachers. Remember push ups? Planks? How about sit ups? There are many great exercises that if done consistently will make huge differences in your strength. When is the last time you did a deep knee bend or two?

More to come.
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Re: The 28 week challenge

Postby Swede » 01 24, 2023 •  [Post 2]

Exercise for me is a lifestyle. It may change some as I see the need, but it is always present. Today is a three-mile hike, I plan to do the stationary bicycle and draw my bow back ten times in succession. Only the bow exercise is directly related to hunting, but certainly all of it all helps me to be ready for elk season.
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Re: The 28 week challenge

Postby 7mmfan » 01 24, 2023 •  [Post 3]

Sorry to interject a long response into your thread that clearly is going to be a plan for folks to follow, but I feel it's pertinent.

I'm a young 38. I noticed about 3 or 4 years ago though that I was not a spry as I was a few years prior. I also had left a very physically active job for a desk job. Reality set in very quickly as to the adverse health affects that was having on me. We bought a stationary bike and created a workout space in the garage with padded flooring, weights, resistance bands. It has been fantastic. However, I was still in the mindset of "get in shape for hunting season", and would spend about half the year not doing much.

I start my New Years resolutions in mid-December every year, it helps me with the Holiday over eating and by the time New Years comes, it's becoming a habit. This year I made the decision to do a mini-workout every time I got up from my desk. I would do 20 pushups and 20 squats. WHEW! End of the first week I was averaging 140-160 of each per day. I quickly burned myself out. So I adjusted and now I alternate days between pushups and squats. I also changed to doing 3 sets of pushups to exhaustion instead of sets of 20, as that was too easy and I felt the impact was minimal at that point. I'm now up to 3 sets of 40ish push ups, 3 days a week and unlimited squats 2 days a week.

In addition, I do the following:
M/W/F - 1 Hour high impact stationary bike rides
T/T - 1 Hour of core, back, arm/shoulder workouts
Every night: stretching, dedicated knee and hip flexor strengthening while my wife and I watch TV

I'm lucky to have an uncle that is a certified Ironman. He does 2-3 Ironman competitions per year. He is 60 years old. I asked him what got him into it when we were hunting a couple years ago and he told me it was when he hit 40 and he realized he wasn't getting any younger, and that getting in shape was not getting easier. So he made a decision to get himself in the best shape he could and to maintain it. I have no ambition to ever do an Ironman, but I may choose to run a marathon someday, I've done a half. More importantly, I've just changed my mindset from "need to get in shape for hunting season" to "need to stay in shape for life".
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Re: The 28 week challenge

Postby saddlesore » 01 24, 2023 •  [Post 4]

I do about ten minutes a day on a stationary bicycle , then about 10 different exercises for my shoulder.That is about all I can get done. Other than that, I think I will opt out. I'll try to ride a 9 mile loop at least once a week though when the weather warms. About all I can do is walk 50 yards from the mule and sit all day, so that should do me

If I do draw a tag and think I can make the hunt, along about the last of August, I will go buy a 1/2 dozen jelly donuts. My mule and I will sit around the corral eating them. He tells me round is a shape too. :lol: :lol:

Will be cheering everyone on though.
Swede will need to get his climbing legs in shape so he can put his tree stand higher.
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Re: The 28 week challenge

Postby Jhg » 01 24, 2023 •  [Post 5]

Keep us posted Vince with your current routine.It is encouraging to hear about it and is a good motivator. It may seem mundane but just knowing you are doing a shoulder routine is pretty inspiring.
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Re: The 28 week challenge

Postby Lefty » 01 24, 2023 •  [Post 6]

Ill follow along. My Doc want me to keep having an active hunting season.
Many of my days start with stretching anyway, I

I feel so much better than a year ago, Im doing so muc more too, I plan to add walking and bike riding while I wait for spring snow goose hunting
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Re: The 28 week challenge

Postby Jhg » 01 25, 2023 •  [Post 7]

Week one: assess your fitness and choose a goal. Target: realistic baseline of your fitness/strength. From here you can design a routine.

Here are some ideas for a routine that works the whole body and you can do at home. No equipment necessary. To learn more about each exercise google it.
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I am beginning my challenge by 20 minutes on an inclined treadmill (climbing) 3 times a week. Before I can do a lot of leg strength moves like air squats, I need to be sure my knee injury is ready for it.

For the aging athlete it is about increasing blood flow at joints and tendons. Do not scoff at 20 minutes walking, stationary bike or anything that gives time for your body to increase blood delivery.

Think of it as a power wash for your joints. Blood flow equals recovery. It is your own personal silver bullet.
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Re: The 28 week challenge

Postby Jhg » 01 25, 2023 •  [Post 8]


Stretching is the most important part of training for the aging hunter besides strong legs and lungs.

What are your stretches?
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Re: The 28 week challenge

Postby Jhg » 01 26, 2023 •  [Post 9]

10 minutes rowing machine then 10 more on treadmill.
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Re: The 28 week challenge

Postby saddlesore » 01 26, 2023 •  [Post 10]

I started doing push ups from a wall, 20 each. 2 ft form a wall then almost touching the wall with my nose and push back to full standing standing. I also do 30 each standing on my toes straight up to cure Plantar Faciitus..
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Re: The 28 week challenge

Postby Jhg » 01 26, 2023 •  [Post 11]


Click on the following for inspiration:

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Re: The 28 week challenge

Postby Jhg » 01 30, 2023 •  [Post 12]

Dumbbell flys, shoulder presses, air squats. Treadmill. Rowing machine.
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Re: The 28 week challenge

Postby Jhg » 02 03, 2023 •  [Post 13]

Where do you walk?

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Re: The long road back.

Postby saddlesore » 02 05, 2023 •  [Post 14]

Deleted.Double post
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Re: The long road back.

Postby saddlesore » 02 05, 2023 •  [Post 15]

I walked 1.76 miles today around the neighborhood.I cheated a little bit though. I was breathing 2 liters per minute 02.

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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 02 08, 2023 •  [Post 16]

Todays word is incrementalism.

Add one thing to your routine to get fit for 2023 elk. Add two more reps. 5 minutes on the bike. Another street to your walk. It adds up. Incrementalism.

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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Swede » 02 08, 2023 •  [Post 17]

My incentive for staying in shape has nothing to do with elk hunting. Would someone sit around and vegetate if they were not going hunting? I stay in good shape so I can enjoy life and do all the things life offers. To me it is dishonoring to God to be given a good body and not take good care of it. Just my thought.

My edit here: I just read Jhg's post on the "Difficult Times" thread. He is planning a very challenging elk hunt. It goes well beyond the ordinary. I will not be going along. Just like a marathoner needs to prepare specially for the run, he will be forcing himself to sustain his movement through long and difficult terrain.
Jhg: I hope you get a big one. I will see you back in camp. If you get in before me; start dinner. :D
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby ishy » 02 09, 2023 •  [Post 18]

I took a tri strength class at a local club and it opened a whole new world of cheap home workouts that are really good. The carpet sliders for moving furniture (about $5 at wally world) can be used for all sorts of variations of lunges (most important for our purposes), pushups, and planks. All body weight based and great for core strengthening. I have done an Ironman and have learned a lot about training for specific events. It's unreal how many options are available at little or no cost. Now I take disabled kids in racing chairs at races and sprint tri's. It's an extremely rewarding way to keep motivated.

One of our church leaders gave a great talk about "aggregation of marginal gains". It was about the English cycling team use to be the laughing stock of the cycling world until they got a new coach in the early 2000s. His focus was getting 1% better every day. It took a few years, but they went from the bottom to total domination. Simple small incremental steps over time can and will yield amazing results.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 02 09, 2023 •  [Post 19]

Excellent info. I like the 1% method of gain as at my age success really is measured by avoiding injury while training, managing recovery time by not going too hard too soon (like you could in your 20's & 30's).

I am adding single leg air squats today.

And this torture device...
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 02 12, 2023 •  [Post 20]

Sore today. Tired legs. Progress.

I think what I may end up doing as part of training is mimic what I usually do elk hunting evey morning- 45 minutes of uphill in the dark.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 03 07, 2023 •  [Post 21]

Routine lately has been legs: 1) stair climbing circuits (basically going up and down the stairs at the Y). 2) then inclined treadmill with 10 second bursts pushing on the belt. 3) next is walking lunges 4) single leg squats (need to hold onto a rail doing these 4) stretching

Upper body: 1) dumbbell flys 2) dumbbell presses 3) dumbbell curls 4) bench presses either straight bar or dumbbells

I am finally feeling the difference in my leg strength.

Other exercises thrown in have been rowing machine, stationary bike.

The goal is to be able to hunt. No records will be broken. Nobody is going to marvel at how fast I get up the mountain. But I will be able to climb a slope and not be so drained that the next day needs to be a rest day. I will be able to hunt and cover terrain, and still be able to then pack out an elk.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby 7mmfan » 03 08, 2023 •  [Post 22]

Great work JHG, keep it up! For me, when I begin to notice the difference in strength/stamina, it gives me an extra boost to keep going and work harder. That positive reinforcement is amazing.

I've been alternating between strength training days and cardio days. My chosen cardio is my stationary bike. I have a friend that is an ultra-marathoner/trail runner. His fun is to do 50 mile trail runs. :shock: He insisted that if I want to up the anty, instead of walking the hill by my house, try running it. My hill is a long 1/2 mile with about 280 feet of elevation gain. I ran it a couple days ago for the first time. I'll tell you what, I can hop on a stationary bike and ride the wheels off it, but running that hill humbled me. Now I have a goal of running it twice a week.

Like you, no records will be broken here, but I'm committed to gaining strength and stamina and being in the best condition I can be. I'm doing it for myself and my family mainly, with hunting season being the fringe benefit.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 03 11, 2023 •  [Post 23]

Had a big week at work. At gym now and it was HARD getting this old body going today. But elk bow hunting is just 25 weeks away!!!

This weeks work:

Box elder removal. 3 60' trees
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70' spruce
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Logs from the week ready for sawyer
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Swede » 03 11, 2023 •  [Post 24]

I have been hiking and doing my stationary bike routine, so my muscles are good. I have been drawing my bow regularly too. Since my doctor put me on a Statin, I noticed I was having a harder time drawing my bow. So, I am off the Statin. I do not understand doctors. It seems that most of them want geezers taking more and more pills. I am on one pill a day only and it is to keep my blood pressure down. It seems to be effective, so I use it. I don't know that any of the other drugs help at all.
I fell on the ice a couple of weeks ago and it bothered my neck and shoulders. I am getting better now, but my arthritis still is a pain. I am probably sounding like a senior citizen now, talking about all my aches and pains. I just know I need to be careful so I can be ready when hunting season gets here.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Lefty » 03 11, 2023 •  [Post 25]

Ive been packing my pickup for a snow goose hunt!!
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 03 20, 2023 •  [Post 26]

This weekends workout. "Hey honey, want to go snowshoeing? Where you ask? Why, there just happens to be good snow where I want to elk hunt..."

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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Swede » 03 20, 2023 •  [Post 27]

I too prefer to get exercise doing something enjoyable. Some of my exercise is just Boring, and I do it to stay in shape.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 03 23, 2023 •  [Post 28]

If you're going to climb, train by climbing. Today was climbalot day. I climb stairs about 3-4 times a week. Progress has been slow but there IS progress.

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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 03 28, 2023 •  [Post 29]

Okay!! I am starting to recognize guys in the gym. There is Tat-Man(many tatoos) who does a lot of body weight exercises. Good inspiration and I steal his exercises. There is belly-man, wrencher-man and sitdown- man (takes a long time in between sets).

I only address tat-man. Not sure how he feels about that moniker but I will probably find out at some point.

Sometimes, if I am jacked on coffee, I make some comment as I walk by. Hey, its all in good humor.

Today I did stairs, both running them and double steps. Then two laps around the track. Next was walking deep lunges. Then some one leg deep squats. After that I did a few sets of free weights, shoulders and biceps.

The man on the rock says "get out and do something!!"
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 03 28, 2023 •  [Post 30]

Jhg wrote:If you're going to climb, train by climbing. Today was climbalot day. I climb stairs about 3-4 times a week. Progress has been slow but there IS progress.


Solid method mister. I’m a big fan of stadium up and downs.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 04 04, 2023 •  [Post 31]

About ten weeks in. 64yrs old.

Wow has progress been slow. However, it is happening. By opening morning I will be about average mountain hunting fitness. Not a hero, but able to get in and out. Pack an animal and not die. Be able to keep balance under load last trip out etc.
My workouts have been targeting muscle groups but using lots of variation to do that. For example, quads get stairs, inclined treadmill, squats, lunges, explosive jumps, rowing machine, running. All these do more or less the same things my goal is mimicking the variety of things we see climbing a slope in timber.
At some point I will be adding step-overs.

Thinking ahead, two weeks before opener, training will be heavy on leg strength (the stamina and most strength built in by then). The week just ahead opener will be easy walking and rest to allow legs to recover and be ready. Then the workout is actually hunting.

Going to start shooting my bow this week and keeping that regular through spring/summer.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby 7mmfan » 04 04, 2023 •  [Post 32]

Covid came home to roost here about March 10. The whole family got it. Yesterday was the first day back to working out in 3 weeks. I started with a 30 minute stationary bike ride. Today I did a full body weights and bodyweight workout. Tomorrow another ride. Hate falling off the wagon.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Swede » 04 04, 2023 •  [Post 33]

Is your whole family getting better 7mm? Does your body feel like you went 12 rounds with Mike Tyson or Joe Frazier?
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby 7mmfan » 04 04, 2023 •  [Post 34]

We're all healed up. My 12 weeks pregnant wife caught the worst of it, but was given an antiviral by her doctor that seemed to help her kick it quickly. I took no meds and it lingered for about 10 days. The first 5 were rough. I feel good now. My 5 year-old son basically had a runny nose for a couple days.

The body aches were no joke. Plus I had weird skin tenderness, could barely wear clothes for a couple days it was so sensitive. Good thing I had to stay home anyway!
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Swede » 04 04, 2023 •  [Post 35]

Sounds great 7mm. Keep up the exercise program and wear soft clothing instead of running outside in your birthday suit. :D
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 04 05, 2023 •  [Post 36]

Glad you all are now well. The vaccine really helps. I had covid before those were available and it was scary. The recovery was different than the flu. It took a long time to really be "back".
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby 7mmfan » 04 05, 2023 •  [Post 37]

Now back to our regularly scheduled program! Been working on a retaining wall build last couple days as well. Moving 70# blocks is a great leg workout and a great way to have a sore back.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 04 11, 2023 •  [Post 38]

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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 05 11, 2023 •  [Post 39]

Well, two week set back and I am anxious to get back on the horse. But its gonna be slow. First stop is short hike uphill this weekend. I did a set of stairs at our local Scheel's rather than the elevat-a-tron and it didn't take much to get my heart rate up. As far as strength training, that will have to wait. I can' pull my bow right now there is so much shoulder pain. That will continue to abate though and I will be able to train soon.
I have an appointment with a big bull this September I plan on keeping, even if I have to take Swedes advice and set a stand or three.

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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Swede » 05 11, 2023 •  [Post 40]

I think I could enjoy sitting in a tree stand where your wallow is. I like the looks of it.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 05 13, 2023 •  [Post 41]

Today was back in the saddle short hike day...

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The days haul
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My peeps. I am lucky. Very very lucky. My wife smiles like that all the time.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 05 13, 2023 •  [Post 42]

A quick pretty flowers picture
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A fire ring. I usually break these down but there was so much broken glass in this one we left it for another day.
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Old brass as found. Did they leave that handful by accident or just because.? Unusual to find brass collected like that.
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I balanced out the exercise like any good citizen by following the hike up with a cup of coffee and a cherry pie pocket.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby saddlesore » 05 13, 2023 •  [Post 43]

I spent the last three days putting up higher electric fence to keep the deer out
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Lefty » 05 13, 2023 •  [Post 44]

Ive been keeping up with the stretches', Working on my daughters home exterior, lots of ups and downs .

I might pull the bow out and hang it in the barn to start shooting a few arrows
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Elkhunttoo » 05 13, 2023 •  [Post 45]

I’m guessing the brass was an accident. Several years back I remember shooting a few shots at a deer. Grabbed the brass. Then I don’t remember why but we moved quick. Probably saw another buck and someone else in the group was trying to get a shot. I remembered almost as we got back to the pickup leaving my brass sitting right where I was.

Been doing some exercises but not enough. I’m going to start jogging on Monday. A few miles every morning before work.

And I am with Swede! Great wallow for a stand
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 06 04, 2023 •  [Post 46]

This week saw some slight diet changes- less sugar, less carbs. I have lost 4lbs, aiming for 10 more.

In the gym still stair climbing, but not yet back to pre-ER level. Same with weight lifting. But a little patience, some serious effort but lighter weight and progress will be made.
Tuesday I am going up to scout a wallow I know about and assess the surrounding area as it was burned over recently. My hope is for enough live timber remaining to hang a stand.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Swede » 06 04, 2023 •  [Post 47]

I started shooting my bow again yesterday. I struggled to get my bow drawn back. I failed on the first two attempts. It surprised me because I draw my bow 10 times every other day throughout the year. When I put on my release it must have changed my draw just enough that I struggled to get it right. I had never thought about it before. Once I got my bow drawn the first time it was easy after that and I was hitting very well.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby 7mmfan » 06 04, 2023 •  [Post 48]

Great work everyone that is keeping up on the conditioning. I got back on the horse about 2 weeks ago after a long period off from Covid and some other issues. Feeling good and down a couple pounds again. Yesterday I opted out of the traditional workout for a landscaping workout. A friend is redoing his front yard and watned these one and two man rocks gone and I needed some to complete a rockery in my backyard. Loaded way to much weight worth of rocks into the back of my pickup, came home and unloaded them into the wheelbarrow and up into the backyard. I think I did about 15-18 trips to move them all. So total moved 2000+# of rocks twice and walkd about 3000 yards doing it.
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Elkhunttoo » 06 05, 2023 •  [Post 49]

Nice work guys!!!

I started running on May 22nd…I was super sore the first few days. Lots of work to do. Been going 3-4 miles a morning last week and this morning. I’m 10 pounds heavier than I was during hunting season last year and 40 pounds from my goal weight. The running and push ups every morning have me feeling a ton better already but we have just begun
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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Jhg » 06 11, 2023 •  [Post 50]

Put in 8 miles bushwhacking at 10,800' looking over green spots in a recent burn scar. Got the legs tired, the heart rate up. Felt good getting into the mountains.

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Re: Incrementalism. The long road back.

Postby Swede » 06 11, 2023 •  [Post 51]

It sure looks like you are making great progress getting back to hunting ready. Best wishes.
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