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Off season work out time

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Off season work out time

Postby Elkhunttoo » 03 07, 2023 •  [Post 1]

Every year at the end of the season I feel good and am in solid shape. I always tell myself I’m going to keep it and then be in better shape for next year. Then the winter months set in and I struggle. I’m about two weeks into trying to fix this and get back into a healthy lifestyle. I changed jobs 5 years ago in a few months. My old job I was super active and walked several miles a day at a brisk pace. This new job I love, and it gives me lots of time off for family and hunting but the work out load is literally zero lots of days. And with 4 kids oldest is a junior in high school and youngest 5th grade it seems like mornings and evenings are super hard to find time to stay in shape.

So, I’ve been getting out of bed a little sooner, cutting calories to a fairly healthy days intake and hitting the push-ups and jumping jacks with several other in home quick workouts. One of my brother in laws is in the same position as I am (also a hunting partner) and we are in this battle together!

Good luck to all of you out there fighting this same fight.
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Re: Off season work out time

Postby 7mmfan » 03 08, 2023 •  [Post 2]

It's a struggle. I found myself in the same position you are about 8 years ago when I changed jobs. Went from very active to lots of desk and seat time behind the wheel. That job change also coincided with my early 30's. I was a guy that had never weighed more than 155 soaking wet, suddenly I was 15# heavier.

Over the last 8 years I've tried to establish a workout routine numerous times, and I usually end up doing great for 2-3 months then fall off the wagon. This year, just after Halloween I had a health scare/wake up call, and I've been hard at it since about Thanksgiving. I'm arguably in the best shape of my adult life now and feel like I've finally passed that point where it will be easy for me to fall off the wagon. I'm very lucky that I work from home most of the time and I have a great home gym setup with a bike, weight set, and padded workout area with TV to follow workout programs. I generally workout on my lunch break, squeeze in 30-45 minutes of strength or cardio, and then frequently double up with a good hill climb after work with my 5 year-old on my shoulders.

Keep up the good fight Elkhunttoo, it's hard but it's so worth it.
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Re: Off season work out time

Postby GPelkhunter » 04 10, 2023 •  [Post 3]

I know it's an obvious one, but have you considered joining a gym? I find everyone is different with fitness in regards to their preferred training environment. A lot of people I know enjoy the home gym atmosphere, but for myself, I like going to a public gym. I find at a gym, the people around me are a positive motivator, there is more equipment to use and enjoy, equipment that I wouldn't be willing to accumulate on my own (let alone space required) and something just clicks when I walk through the door like "it's business time".

The most difficult thing about going to a public gym is working out in public, especially if you (like I defiantly was!) are unfamiliar with resistance training. With this, a co-worker offered to help me train: He taught me how to lift correctly and set me up with a weekly routine. The most this guy did for me though was the support and confidence aspect. Once I was comfortable going on my own, I never looked back and honestly I look forward to my time at the gym. Like a lot of people, my life is busy with work and family, sometimes it feels I'm unable to let my mind wander and just disconnect for a while: The gym is podcast/ music/ sports highlights time for me now and sometimes I can't wait to get there.

There are a lot of you tube options also: Athlean X, Sean Nalewanyj and Jeff Nippard are some people who can offer safe lifting advise... And remember, you can't out run a fork. If weight loss is your goal, diet is everything. Best of luck and try and make the gym fun as this can turn into an enjoyable part of your life.
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Re: Off season work out time

Postby ElkNut1 » 04 12, 2023 •  [Post 4]

Yes, getting in shape & staying in shape can be tough these days! It definitely takes discipline! Archery Elk hunting is my motivating force though & that helps a ton! I workout & run year around so I try not to let my self go as it gets so much tougher with age to recuperate & get back into elk shape. So far it has been working well. I do all my stuff at home so don't belong to any gym. Works for me but I am a self motivator & that makes a big difference.

Keep up the fight sir, you'll get it done!

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Re: Off season work out time

Postby Jhg » 04 12, 2023 •  [Post 5]

Find motivation where ever you can, when you can . See that guy at the corner store packing 40lbs over his belt? That other guy you saw at the trailhead who quit after a 300 yard "hike". Or the young dude who saw you and said to himself "wow, that old guy is in pretty good shape".

When I can jump a stair just because I feel good, get into the same jeans I did "way back when", or stand on a finger ridge looking across a secret little honey hole I feel good about myself. I use that to keep me going. Pride can have its place. For me its a matter of pride. I just cannot abide letting myself go the way so many men do.
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Re: Off season work out time

Postby Lefty » 04 13, 2023 •  [Post 6]

Jhg wrote:Find motivation where ever you can, when you can . See that guy at the corner store packing 40lbs over his belt? That other guy you saw at the trailhead who quit after a 300 yard "hike". Or the young dude who saw you and said to himself "wow, that old guy is in pretty good shape".

When I can jump a stair just because I feel good, get into the same jeans I did "way back when", or stand on a finger ridge looking across a secret little honey hole I feel good about myself. I use that to keep me going. Pride can have its place. For me its a matter of pride. I just cannot abide letting myself go the way so many men do.

I really had to chuckle to myself

My goals are a bit different; all the stretches every day:
hunt or lift weights, everyday ( well some Sundays off) I haven't lifted or hiked much lately :shock: :o
Im hoping to be down 20 lbs by September, I want to be able to get out of the canyon in less than 30 minutes
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Re: Off season work out time

Postby ElkNut1 » 04 14, 2023 •  [Post 7]

Jhg, I really like the Pride aspect you shared! I can relate, very cool!

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Re: Off season work out time

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 04 14, 2023 •  [Post 8]

ElkNut1 wrote:Jhg, I really like the Pride aspect you shared! I can relate, very cool!


Agree Paul, we all have to find what motivates us to keep in elk shape before go time. I also like the pride comparison JHG.
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Re: Off season work out time

Postby Swede » 04 16, 2023 •  [Post 9]

I exercise a couple of times each day just so I don't have to go the painful process of having to get back what I have lost. It is easy to go backwards. All you have to do is take it easy awhile.
I find Bible study is a lot like exercise at times. I enjoy it, but it takes discipline to get the most out of it.
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Re: Off season work out time

Postby Elkhunttoo » 04 16, 2023 •  [Post 10]

Swede wrote:I exercise a couple of times each day just so I don't have to go the painful process of having to get back what I have lost. It is easy to go backwards. All you have to do is take it easy awhile.
I find Bible study is a lot like exercise at times. I enjoy it, but it takes discipline to get the most out of it.

Completely agree
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